Five conversations Walter and General Hammond had in the Gate room, G

Sep 29, 2013 11:51

Title: Five conversations Walter and General Hammond had in the Gate room
Author: goddess47
Word count: 1000
Rating/Warning: G
Spoilers: None
Prompt: 119. George and Walter. Waiting for the dial-in.

Note: Thanks to AnnieB for pimping this on her journal and to melagan for the quick beta

Five conversations Walter and General Hammond had in the Gate room )

walter, 2013, hammond

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Comments 11

sg_fignewton October 7 2013, 14:03:42 UTC
Oh, this is nice! I like the steady undercurrent of friendly familiarity.

And this: "Ah! Make sure they get a card, would you?" Hammond said with a smile.

"There's one ready to sign on your desk."

Awwwwww. :)

And sitting in vigil is definitely my favorite.

Thanks for contributing!


redbyrd_sgfic October 7 2013, 15:49:07 UTC
And every single time Walter says, 'no one is expected on the schedule', the gate lights up. Isn't that just the way? *snickers*


alynt October 7 2013, 20:00:58 UTC
Walter is so dependable - and I think Hammond knows he's got just the right guy for the job! Good story. Thanks for sharing.


dennydj October 8 2013, 01:58:38 UTC
These are great little vignettes that give us a glimpse into the day to day events of the SGC, and the special relationship between General Hammond and Walter. Well done!


ami_ven October 8 2013, 03:23:37 UTC
Very nice!


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