Welcome to the 2011 SG-1 Friendathon!
Prompts may be submitted through June 1st. Everyone may submit prompts, even if they don't intend to take place in the ficathon. Multiple prompts are not only allowed, but encouraged. Please spread the word - we want as many and as varied prompts as possible!
Prompts should include, at a mimimum, the names of at least two characters. In addition, offer a frame for the prompt: a word, an episode, a quote, a line of dialogue, a few lines of lyrics, and so on. No icons/images, please! You may be as vague or specific as you like, but remember that you have no control over who (if anyone) will choose your prompt or how that person will choose to interpret it.
You may submit prompts with three or more characters if you wish.
Don't forget that
sg1friendathon is a gen ficathon, so no pairings are allowed in the prompts. Peripheral canon pairings will be permitted in stories, but they may not be included in the prompt.
You may not request character bashing of any kind. Writers may not bash characters, either. If you don't like Sam or Daniel or Vala or Landry, then don't choose a prompt that features that character, and don't include him or her in your fic.
All comments to this entry are screened. After prompting closes, all prompts will be collated into a single post where you can claim the prompt that you want to turn into a story for the ficathon.
Some random prompt examples:
Jonas and Daniel. AU in which Jonas stays on SG-1 after Daniel's return.
Janet and Sam. Girls' night out, post Hathor.
Bra'tac and Teal'c. Coping with a weakness in tretonin.
Paul Davis and George Hammond. Five times SG-1 sent them scrambling for the aspirin.
Vala and Carolyn. Tag-teaming Landry.
Jacob and Martouf, at cross-purposes with their symbiotes.
Cam and Jack. Herding cats.
sg1friendathon prompts belong in the SG-1 canon, so please do not submit prompts that take place within the context of SGA or SGU. SGA characters within the context of SG-1 canon - Rodney McKay in 48 Hours or Redemption , Elizabeth Weir in Lost City/New Order, or anyone from SGA in Pegasus Project - may be included in a friendship prompt with someone from the SG-1 universe. If you have any questions, leave a comment here to ask.
Prompts may be submitted through June 1st, so... GO!