So with a third series revving up and we're still trying to catch up on both the mother show and Atlantis. Therefore the call goes out for volunteers for
the Stargate Wiki.
There's a total of three of us actively working the wiki right now. Yep, three, and by active...I'm stretching the definition a bit. So any help is GREATLY STUPENDOUSLY appreciated.
Auditing/Updating Old Articles: Spot errors, or something not updated since Season Seven of Stargate SG-1? Draft an update for it.*
Transcripts: We've done quick catch up of SGA, but Season Two and most of Season 1 is still needing to be set up. And of course SGU is coming up.
Writing Up New Articles: See poor lonely
Wanted Articles or
Works in Progress? Pipe up and see if someone's committed to writing it, and if not, go to town!*
Yes, we have a format, but as long as you're a decent writer, we can work with things (i.e. don't be intimidated by pictures and coding, if/when you sign on the editors can help with that). It's the content that's the most important feature...the actual writing and research, that'll be a BIG help. And you'll see your name in lights! Okay, well, you'll see it in italics in the article, which is...not quite close enough. ;-)
*Please note Solutions Stargate Wiki only accepts original work, not that copy/pasted from another site.
Comments here are screened, so if you want to volunteer here, or you can just email us at michelle at stargate-sg1-solutions dot com or even pm me directly. We're not asking for a year commitment or encapsulating fifteen years of history at once or anything. If you just want to help with one or two articles, that's one or two more done. One piece of advice, if you want to dip your toe in, choose something small (i.e., something that only shows up in one or two episodes), so you don't get overwhelmed.
No matter what your level of support for the wiki--writing, referrals, or just reading, we thank you for your support!