Alternates: Round 4 // Challenge 7

Aug 12, 2010 20:15

Did you create a few icons for the challenge and then choose the best one to submit? Did you make icons from the caps though you did not participate in the last challenge?

If so, this is where you can post those "rejected" icons (along with your submitted entry) and make them sharable to others.

round 4.07, alternates, round 4, round 4.07:alternates

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Comments 42

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rightxhere August 13 2010, 01:41:27 UTC
I loved the crop and coloring of your submitted icon. The crop of your alternate is nice as well, but not as rich in coloring. Still, it's Cam, and that makes me sit and stare for a while :D


casett August 13 2010, 01:50:45 UTC
You did really well with that cap to make something of it. Love the sky color.


hsapiens August 13 2010, 02:55:11 UTC
That was such a gorgeous cap and trying to make something of it defeated me. You did a nice job with it. I like the textless version more as Cam's a bit blurry in the alternate.


hsapiens August 13 2010, 01:36:55 UTC
Did anyone else struggle with these caps -- or was I just lacking the icon-fu? I thought they looked so versatile but I just could not do a thing with them.


... )


rightxhere August 13 2010, 01:40:35 UTC
I did *nods* And only ended up doing the one icon....although I'm sure that had more to do with the fact my computer got a virus and I spent three days trying to fix it LOL

Anyway though....icons.... I loved your submitted icon, the crop and text is great, plus what you did with the coloring was pretty lovely too.

I especially adore your first alternate too.


hsapiens August 13 2010, 03:25:23 UTC
Those computer viruses will do you in. *nods* Seems to me one icon was all that you needed!

I was so relieved to come up with my entry. I literally tried every single cap. Most of what I made was so bad I didn't even bother saving it. It looked for a long time like it was going to be Skipsville for me.


casett August 13 2010, 01:53:01 UTC
Me too - I had a horrible time and would have been lucky if I made it though. We made the same joke (slightly differently) though. That's scary.

Love the diagonal on your second alternate. The bright colors accentuate the diagonal of the canoe and the close crop makes the figure identifiable.


casett August 13 2010, 01:49:18 UTC

... )


winterfish August 13 2010, 02:07:59 UTC
I love your second alternate. The text is perfect. :D


casett August 13 2010, 02:20:14 UTC
Thanks. I seem to be able to come up with text but making it work with the icon - that's the problem :D


superbadgirl August 13 2010, 02:12:49 UTC
I like your first and second alt a lot! And the fourth was a cool concept - he really is standing like a Ken doll in a box.

I actually think I would have liked your entered better without the bubble. I know - that would have seemed uninspired, but then I wouldn't have kept going back thinking, "What is up with the bubble?" ;)


winterfish August 13 2010, 01:58:59 UTC

... )


casett August 13 2010, 02:01:08 UTC
Your icons are always lovely. In this case I actually like your second alternative best because the duller background causes the figures to stand out nicely. Plus - it is a great manip.


winterfish August 13 2010, 02:10:43 UTC
Thank you! =) I always get into this state where I can't tell if a manip looks natural or not, so I'm glad to hear that the Sam and Vala one works!


hsapiens August 13 2010, 03:16:58 UTC
Ah geez, you make such gorgeous icons. Pretty colors. Pretty composition. They're all pretty but the last two are gorgeous. They're funny AND the colors are to die for. I'm not jealous. Not at all. I'm envious.


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