Signups for Epistolary Alphabet Soup

Jan 12, 2016 11:45

Well, here we are, ready to start a new round of Alphabet Soup! This will be our 21st, and the theme this time is epistolary, interpreted however the author wishes. Your story may include any character and any era (pre-series, post-series, early season, late season, whatever), as long as it's gen, related to SG-1, and fits our theme. We've had somewhere along the lines of 140 different authors contributing over the years, but whether you're a dedicated regular, an occasional dabbler, or a brand new chef, your participation is more than welcome!

This is how it works: the letters of the alphabet are available on a first come, first served basis. Comment below and claim a letter - one letter per author only. I'll strike them out as they're claimed, but as long as you made your request first, the letter is yours. By making a claim, you are committing yourself to writing at least 100 words of epistolary fic by February 29th. If you're interested in writing a second story, backups are always welcome (and often needed), but you can't claim a specific letter for that.

If you choose to include graphics in your story (mock-up newspaper articles, etc.), that's fine - just ensure that you have 100 words of text somewhere. :)

The keywords are suggestions only. If you're inspired to use one of the keywords for your fic, that's great! If a different idea strikes you, that's great, too. You do not have to use any of the keywords I've offered here, you do not have to get my approval for your keyword, and you certainly do not have to use multiple keywords.

On February 29th, comment with a link to your fic in the SG-1 Gen Fic Day post, using the title as the subject of your comment (A is for Answering Machine, D is for Diary, E is for Expurgated Records, or whatever). Send me a copy by e-mail and your TOC template as well, as soon as they're ready. When all the letters have been submitted, a master post for the anthology will be posted, complete with the detailed table of contents.

For more detailed instructions of the posting process, click here. Even if you've cooked Soup before, please double-check; the detailed instructions have been recently edited.

There are only four rules: your fic must be at least 100 words, although there is no maximum limit; it must take be epistolary, whoever you choose to interpret the theme; the fic must be canon compliant, although it does not have to reference canon specifically and may be set in pre-series or future eras; and it should be gen. This is part of SG-1 Gen Fic Day, after all. :) You may write about any character, including original ones, that fit these criteria. You may mention canon ships - for example, Teal'c/Drey'auc or Daniel/Sha're - but no romance, please, and no AUs or alternate timelines. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

Please spread the word - I'm always delighted to have new authors join us (just as I'm ecstatic when loyal regulars join us for yet another round.) Signal boosts are always appreciated! And if you're a newcomer signing up, make sure to mention it so I can welcome you properly. With so many different authors over the years, I tend to lose track...

Letters that have not been struck out are available for the claiming! If you're already claimed one story and are still feeling inspired, go ahead and write a second story. It will either be used as backup (experience suggests this as the most likely outcome) or will simply be enjoyed as part of Gen Fic Day.

A - annual report, ASCII art, article, accounting, alien calligraphy - claimed by goddess47 - DONE

B - bureaucracy, braille, bulletin boards, blog, broadcast, book review

C - cursive, communication, clippings, characters, correspondence, chronicle, clay seal - claimed by Solstice0612 - DONE

D - Dear (Mom/Dad/General/Whatever), damaged tablet, diary, document, dispatch, draft - claimed by topazowl - DONE

E - e-mail, epistle, endnotes, exposition, evaluation, essay - claimed by immertreu - DONE

F - found mail, form letter, facebook, fax, figures - claimed by wyomingnot

G - graphs, graphemes - claimed by splash_the_cat - DONE

H - handwritten, hand signals, hieroglyphics - claimed by tallulah_rasa - DONE

I - information, invent, idiom - claimed by antonomasia09 - DONE

J - judicial, job application, justice, jurisprudence, journal - claimed by sg_wonderland - DONE

K - keep in touch, key to understanding, knowledge - claimed by gategremlyn - DONE

L - lost mail, listserv, letter, literature, line, lyrics, lost diary - claimed by bookworm4hire2 New Cook!

M - medical report, mission report, magazine, monthly, mailbox, memo, mark, message, message in a bottle - claimed by traycer_ - DONE

N - newspaper, notes, news, notification, native tongue - claimed by jedibuttercup - DONE

O - official record - DONE

P - posting application, photo journal, post-it notes, parchment, pen, palimpsest - claimed by carlyn7865 New Cook! - DONE

Q - quill and ink, quotations, quibble, queries - claimed by izhilzha - DONE

R - report, RE: oops, records, runes, rhyme - claimed by sg1jb - DONE

S - stationary, snapchat, scribe, social media, smoke signals, skywriting, symbol, survey - claimed by thothmes - DONE

T - top secret, translation error, twitter, texting, telegram, trace - claimed by antonomasia09 - DONE

U - understand, unwritten, uncorroborated, unambiguous - claimed by sallymn - DONE

V - vo'cume, vernacular, vocabulary, video> - claimed by draegonhawke

W - write soon, wrong address, writing in sand, weekly, word - claimed by eilidh17 - DONE

X - X marks the spot - claimed by goddess47 - DONE

Y - yearly, yellowed, yield - claimed by annieb1955 - DONE

Z - zero, zenith - claimed by madders_ahatter - DONE

alphabet soup

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