Friendship Alphabet Soup sign-ups

Sep 07, 2014 22:43

Twenty-five grams of weapons'-grade naquadah says that Jack and Daniel friendship goes first. I know the tendencies of my flist/reading circle!

Of course, I'm in no position to pay up if I'm wrong. So I will offer a ficlet instead to the first person who signs up if they claim a different friendship. :)

Edit: And I've already lost the bet. You people are awesome. :D

Welcome to the 18th Alphabet Soup! This will be in honor of Gen Fic Day, on November 4th. The Soup is a shameless excuse to have at least twenty-six new gen stories in honor of the occasion, but all gen fic will be welcome!

This Soup is based on friendship. Friendships do not have to be shown in canon, as long as it's technically possible for the two characters to meet. (Ripple Effect can be remarkably useful for that, heh.) As long as it's canon-compliant and gen, it's good to go.

This is how it works: the letters of the alphabet and individual friendships are available on a first come, first served basis. Comment and claim a letter and friendship - one letter and friendship per author only. I'll strike them out as they're claimed, but as long as you made your request first, the letter and friendship are yours. If someone else has already claimed a friendship that you'd planned to write, please choose another - as you can see from the list below, there are plenty to choose from! By making a claim, you are committing yourself to writing at least 100 words of gen friendship fic by November 4th.

On November 4th, comment with your fic at the SG-1 Gen Fic Day post, using the title as the subject of your comment (W is for Wonder Twins, B is for Bonding, C is for C4, S is for Siler, or whatever). Send me a copy by e-mail as well. When all the letters have been submitted, I'll collate all the ficlets in alphabetical order and post them together as a complete anthology. The anthology on LJ is usually abridged due to posting constraints, with links to the remaining stories at the authors' individual journals; the DW version is complete and unabridged.

For more detailed instructions of the posting process, click here. Even if you've cooked Soup before, please double-check that there haven't been minor changes in the instructions since the last time you participated.

There are only four rules: your fic must be at least 100 words, although there is no maximum limit; it must feature the friendship between two characters on the show; the fic must be canon compliant, although it doesn't have to be actually canonical; and it should be gen. This is part of SG-1 Gen Fic Day, after all. :)

An author is welcome to mention canon relationships - for example, Jack/Sara as a background to a pre-series friendship fic with Jack and Kawalsky, or background Sarah/Daniel to a friendship fic with Daniel and Robert Rothman. But no romance, please, including those in AUs or alternate timelines. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

Please spread the word - I'm always delighted to have new authors join us (just as I'm ecstatic when loyal regulars join us for yet another round.) Signal boosts are always appreciated! And if you're a newcomer signing up, make sure to mention it so I can welcome you properly. With somewhere around 125 different authors over the years, I tend to lose track. :)

Remember that you must claim two things: a letter and a friendship. Any letter or friendship that has not been struck out is available to be claimed. If I haven't listed a friendship and you'd like to write it, please comment with a write-in ballot. :) I will add the selected friendship to the list.

Edit: All letters have now been claimed. However, don't let that stop you from writing friendship fic, or any fic, really! SG-1 Gen Fic Day welcomes anything, as long as it's gen. :)



























The friendships here have been roughly alphabetized and are by no means exclusive. These are merely suggestions to get us started. If you have a friendship you'd like to write that isn't listed here, go for it!

Cam and Daniel

Cam and Ferguson

Cam and Jack

Cam and Jonas

Cam and Sam

Cam and Teal'c

Cam and Vala

Daniel and Hammond

Daniel and Jack

Daniel and Janet

Daniel and Jonas

Daniel and Oma

Daniel and Robert Rothman

Daniel and Sam

Daniel and Sarah Gardener

Daniel and Skaara

Daniel and Teal'c

Daniel and Vala

Hammond and Bra'tac

Hammond and Hayes

Hammond and Jacob

Hammond and Janet

Jack and Cassie

Jack and Ferretti

Jack and Hammond

Jack and Janet

Jack and Jonas

Jack and Kawalsky

Jack and Martouf-Lantash

Jack and Sam

Jack and Siler

Jack and Teal'c

Jack and Vala

Jacob and Martouf

Janet and Catherine

Janet and Carolyn

Jonas and Nyan

Jonas and Sam

Jonas and Teal'c

Jonas and Vala

Oma and Morgan

Sam and Barrett

Sam and Cassie

Sam and Catherine

Sam and Janet

Sam and Sha're

Sam and Siler

Sam and Teal'c

Sam and Vala

Sha're and Skaara

Teal'c and Bra'tac

Teal'c and Hammond

Teal'c and Janet

Teal'c and Rak'nor

Teal'c and Tomin

Teal'c and Vala

Vala and Siler

Walter and Siler

alphabet soup

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