Fic snippets, found and proffered

Nov 04, 2009 20:19

Did you ever stumble across something on your hard drive that you don't even remember writing in the first place?

I found this snippet:

"Everything seemed warped," Bill muttered. "You'd think we were dealing with Hex."

The sudden silence made Bill glance up from his readings. Daniel was grinning widely.

"You read Terry Pratchett!" Daniel crowed. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

Bill snorted. "Name me one geek who hasn't!"

"Sam," Daniel said promptly. "The idea of the Discworld makes her brain implode."

Bill rolled his eyes, then tapped a finger on the displays scrolling on the tiny screen.
I assume this was something I considered last year when I wrote Just a Little Trouble for aurora_novarum, but I truly don't remember typing it!

And on that note... I will lemming after lokei and make the following offer, with minor benevolent dictatrix revisions: The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of ANY SG-1 character of their choosing from me (with a prompt, if it pleases you to give me one). In return, those who feel inspired can post this in their journal.

I will add the caveat that while I will try to take the word "drabble" literally, I will allow a certain margin of error in word count.

ficlets by request

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