Pierre and Susana,
We'd like to say…
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Pierre and Susana Originally uploaded by
Yes, it's sad to hear but Pierre and Susana are not just leaving Montréal, but they're leaving the continent all together.
For good. So what can we do but give them a very big send-off?
gorbash-dragon and I are expecting a lot of people, so we're throwing a very big party. It's this Friday and it promises to be quite thrilling. Not only will it be exactly a month before Susana and Pierre hop on their
transatlantic flight, but it's also the first Friday of May!
I'm very pleased that it worked out that way. And
Pierre is too! You should not feel pressured into participating in this event.
But you should feel pressured into seeing them off on a safe journey!
We'll be hosting this staring from 19:00 at the
NITI office. I will arrange for food to arrive and you should pay me $10 for your dinner. You will have to arrange for your own alcohol, which should be rather easy as there is a SAQ and a Provigo nearby.
What's the scoop?
To say farewell to two lovely people.
Net Integration Technologies Inc.
1450, rue City Councillors. Suite 650.
Friday, 5 May 2006 at 19:00.
Bring $10 (for food) and drinks.
R.S.V.P. in the comments below so that I know how much food to get.
Crossposted to