I called
9-1-1 for the first time in my life today. I felt a little stupid doing it, since it wasn't exactly an emergency, but I didn't know what else to do.
Two months and one day after
my last accident, I've had another one. Like the previous one, this one was not my fault; I was sideswiped by a sheriff on a motorcycle riding on the marker dividing two lanes, on one side of which was me. He wasn't using his lights or siren.
I am so tired of this. At least he wasn't injured, or so I would gather from his not having stopped. That's right:
hit-and-run. And the damage isn't nearly as bad as it was after the last one. Still, it's a pain. And, potentially, expensive, though I certainly hope not.
More details and photos to follow later, after I'm done moving house.
So, we're done with the officer part. Now the gentleman: Today, our household received junk mail addressed to
Mitsu. In some cultures, I think this means we're engaged. I think that it stems from his having gotten a temporary cell phone while visiting me a couple of years ago. It amuses me.