One More Story Left

Aug 23, 2013 22:38

Hello everyone,

We got one last story up for grab. I'm opening the claiming to anyone, even if you didn't sign up as artist.

4 (Mega)

Title: The butterflies they flutter by
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Helen/Kate
Word Counts: >23k
Warnings: BDSM, Hurt/Comfort all the way
Spoilers: takes place after SFN II
Author's Notes: aaall the feelz ;)

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!mod post, !art claiming, !artists

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Comments 5

featherxquill August 25 2013, 11:35:10 UTC
I signal-boosted this one on tumblr, but if no one comes to claim it I'll be happy to take it, what with there still being plenty of time before artses are due.


rubystandish August 25 2013, 20:14:31 UTC
Thank you very much. I'll gave it a few hours or so and go some there.


rubystandish August 26 2013, 22:52:06 UTC
Are you still willing to take on a second one?


featherxquill August 27 2013, 13:07:15 UTC
Absolutely! Put my name down for it :)


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