Rules and FAQ

Mar 17, 2013 23:44

Hello and welcome to the  sfa_bigbang! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write, create art, cheer and otherwise enable each other through this challenge to create Sanctuary fanworks.

1. What is a Big Bang?

There are many different types of big bangs, all varying slightly, but generally a big bang is a process in which authors write long fics and artists make art for that piece of work. Simple in concept, right?

2. What makes this Big Bang different?
Well, this is a Mega, Big, and Mini Bang, depending on how long your story ends up being. A Mega Bang is 15K (15,000), a Big Bang for this challenge is 10K (10000) and a Mini Bang is only 5K (5,000), You may of course sign up for one and if need be, change before the art claiming.

3. What can I write?

Well, of course it has to be Sanctuary! Crossovers are permitted, but you must run the idea past a mod first, and you can only crossover with one other fandom/universe. So Sanctuary/Stargate is allowed, but Sanctuary/Warehouse 13/The West Wing is not.

4. Can I write slash?

Yes, you may write slash, het, gen, (any pairing on those first two, EXCEPT INCEST AND ANYTHING INVOLVING A STATUTORY PAIRING. There will be no exceptions. I will ban you.). When you post, you must warn for non-con and dub-con and any other warning that you might have in your story.

3. What's the timeline?

Sign-ups for Authors: March 20- April 17

Sign-ups for Artists: March 20- May 1

First Checkpoint: May 1
Second Checkpoint and a Snippet: June 1

Rough Drafts are Due: August 1

Artist Claiming: August 3
Third Checkpoint: August 14

Art Rough Drafts: September 1

Posting Begins: October 1

*Checkpoints will just be a simple posting comment saying how you're doing and whether or not you're still in the challenge or not.

4. Do I have to join the comm?

Yes you do. This is where all information will be passed along and also where the posting will eventually take place.

5. How will posting work?

We're not going to set up a separate archive. The author and artist will post the fic and artwork where ever they normally post stuff, and then one of you (your team will decide on that) will post a master post here with the links to the fic and the art.


6. May I sign up for author and artist?

If you feel that you will be able to handle both and make it to the posting date with no problems then yes, you may sign-up for both.

7. May I write more then one story?

Again, if you feel that you can handle the work, then yes.

8.Can I co-write a story with a friend?

Yes, only one of you would have to sign-up, just please make a note of it when you sign-up.

I think that's it, if you have any questions, please leave a comment here on this post or PM me.

!mod post, faq

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