Title: In for a penny, in for a pound
sephirothflame Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Brad Colbert x Nate Fick, Ray Person
Warning(s): language, domestic
Spoiler(s): N/A
Word Count: 10,000+
Rants: This is the first full length fic I have written for GK. Everything else has been twitfic or drabble length (and oddly enough, far more porn-y). This fic also has a ridiculous amount of sex mentioned without there being any actual sex at all. I'd also like to point out that my cat's name really is Princess Sarin and I had
this kind of cat in mind for this fic (an orange norwegian forest cat). Written for
annundriel, who introduced me to this fandom in the first place. You are a doll. <3
Summary: Nate’s not an idiot, he knows Brad wants to have kids. Nate does the one thing he can think of to stem the baby wanting, and that’s to adopt a dog. Or a cat, really, because a dog is a lot of effort. He just wasn’t planning for any of the drama adopting a cat would cause.
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the fictionalized portrayal of a real event. No disrespect intended. I have nothing to do with Generation Kill in the least. Neither do I own Sweet Dreams by Air Supply.
Nate sees the way Brad's lip quirks into a smile whenever he's around Poke's girls. He has seen Brad sword fighting with his youngest nephew and wearing a tiara gifted to him by his niece. Hell, Nate watched as Brad taught Nate's own nephew how to tie his shoes. Nate knows, because he knows Brad completely, inside and out, that as much as he tries to hide the fact, that Brad likes children. )