title: through the looking glass
rating: pg
genre: angst/drama/au [if only they’d escaped to europe]
tagline: destiny has a dry sense of humour
When you die, you see your life flash before your eyes. Maybe, you're reliving every moment you could have died happy. )
Comments 8
It's not fucked up. I like it. A little disjointed, but I read disjointed deliberately so it doesn't bother me.
I think you may have inadvertently displayed a part of Miss Parker's personality - her complete and total lack of ability to be happy, no matter what. I loved the ties with Thomas, Jarod returning, her daughter (YAY NO CATHERINE NAMING!), and her ending up in Oregon. The irony was lovely.
I liked it. I've never seen a Miss Parker goes with her mother and she has Ethan. Her almost wishing for The Centre again was the icing on the cake. Poor girl. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.
It started out with her just wishing she had stayed at the Centre and then the Thomas thing came out of nowhere and I was like, "Hmm, why not take it further? Make him DEMOLISH buildings." Then random things happened and it turned out weird.
And Parker is just a listless soul, if you ask me.
*goes off to work on MP/L again*
That is all.
Good job though. A very thoughtful thing to think about. What could have been. And it's not fucked up. It's very good. ^_^
G74ddy y0u 7!k3d! ^^
Lovely, really.
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