drabble: kiss away the pain, r

Oct 15, 2009 15:09

Another drabble for the ficadron dra(w)bble duel. This follows the drabble, "Rescue Me." IDK, I guess there was more story there. :p

Writing in a bit of a different style. Concrit? ♥

Title: Kiss Away the Pain
Team: Team Draco FTW
Prompt: A First Time for Everything
Rating: R
Word Count: 498 (According to Google Documents)

Ron opens the door to his small flat and stands aside as Draco steps in. The living room is cold, dark, and Draco shivers -- not because of the temperature, but because he is immediately reminded of the loneliness he is trying so desperately to hold at bay.

Draco doesn't turn around -- he doesn't have to. He can feel Ron's eyes on him, can almost hear his need to "fix" him. Ron is still hopelessly Gryffindor.

The door closes behind Draco with a click and then Ron is in front of him, against him, searching his face for an indication that the blond has changed his mind. When he finds none, he leans forward and presses his lips to Draco's, but nothing more.

Draco ignores the tears that spill down his cheek and gives himself wholly to the kiss. His hands smooth over the front of Ron's cloak and grip it tight as he slips his tongue past teeth and into his warm mouth. Ron moans quietly, and Draco's stomach clenches with want.

He breaks the kiss, breathless. His expression is soft, but not a smile. His hands move down the rough wool cloak and into Ron's, and he begins to step backward in the direction of the bedroom.

It's been ages since he's been here, but memories are strong tonight, and Draco knows the way.


Like the first time, everything begins slowly, awkwardly. Their jutting pelvic bones knock against each other as they try to set the right rhythm, and then...

...there is the feeling of being wrenched apart and pieced together as Ron enters his body.

Draco cries out, soft and mewling. It is the first sound he makes.

He holds Ron close, arcing his hips into each thrust that takes him away from the pain and closer to the memory of the first time they were together. He opens his eyes to find Ron watching him again: studying every parting of lips, each helpless sigh, and Draco knows that he'll never take him farther than he wants to go, and though he'll never say it aloud, he is thankful for it.

Their bodies take over and move faster, recreating the fiery dance that Draco had relished so eagerly the first time. Their tongues flick inside each other's mouths, learning each other again, and like the first time, Draco bites Ron's lip, eager to taste him.

Ron keens and pushes harder, touching that secret part within Draco, and the blond wails into the dark. His nails dig into the damp skin of Ron's back, scratching as his body is racked with one hard shudder, and then he is spilling out between their bellies.

The redhead quickly tumbles afterward, bucking hard into Draco's body, and then stills. He tilts his head down to kiss him, and Draco can taste salt on his tongue.

He looks up and notices tears on Ron's freckled cheeks.

It's the first time Draco has ever seen him cry.

!public, fic, writing, drabble

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