muse_shuffle | November Disc Two

Nov 27, 2008 18:52

Track 03. And I get all your good advice // It doesn't stop me from going through these things twice (Paul Kelly - 'Dumb Things')

[Follows ALL HERE]

“Thinking about doing a runner?”

Pat turned at the voice in his ear and smirked at his twin. He blew a swirl of smoke into the air above their head and gave Cameron a firm nudge in the chest with his elbow. “Fuck you, darling. Do I look like I want to run?” He put the cigarette back to his lips and met Cameron’s identical eyes.

“At little,” Cameron agreed. “At the very least, I know you’re thinking about something deep. Thinking about something deep when watching your charming publicist. It could mean you’re thinking about running. A long shot?”

Pat raised an eyebrow. “About as long as your cock.”

Cameron smirked. “So, I’m way, way off then.”

“Not even the same football field,” Pat confirmed. He gestured lightly in Aiden’s direction. “What’s to run from? He’s perfection wrapped up in centrefold package…” He trailed off and watched Aiden at the bar waiting for Harriet to arrive.

“You think it’s too good to be true,” Cameron deduced and rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “A part of you is waiting for it to happen again.”

Pat didn’t say anything at first. He just drew a breath and let it out slowly. “Do you know how much I hate myself for thinking that?” he murmured. “I haven’t felt this strongly this quickly about anyone in my life, and it fucking scares me. If he can’t take the heat, then the last thing I want is for him to be trapped and obligated, but if he goes… it’s going to hurt all over again. It's going to fucking hurt because I love him and I don't want to lose him. But he might go. And if he does, you can’t blame him and I can’t blame him. No one can blame him because he’s a wonderful guy, Cam. It’s not going to be his fault if he can’t take this.”

“Honestly?” Cameron said, watching Pat’s boyfriend closely. “I think he’s going to be okay, Patto. He’s nothing like your fucking ex. You’ve given him everything he possibly needs to go into this equipped and he’s still here and still wants to try. That’s fucking huge. I wanted the guy to give me a reason to hate him, but he hasn’t. Now I have to go back to London next week and just sit pretty for wedding invitations.”

Pat gave a snort of a laugh and stubbed his cigarette out into a nearby bin. “We’ve barely gone through a strip of Trojans. Give us a break, darling.” He kissed Cameron’s cheek and then thumped him lightly in the gut. “I should tie you to a chair and sing the whole discography of Abba Gold just for cramping my fucking style on this holiday. You’re about as subtle as a diamond g-string.”

Cameron laughed. “Pass, thank you. You wear a diamond g-string and I’m twin divorcing you forever. I don’t care how prissy your little gay arse is.” He gave Pat an affectionate nudge. “I just had to see for my own eyes that you were as happy as you said you were. The lay of the land of late, I was thinking you being happy again was the new Holy Grail.”

“And what’s the verdict?” Pat asked, smirking.

“I won’t kill him…” Cameron promised with his own identical smirk. “Yet.”

Aiden is mrpublicity, Harriet is straight2point and both referenced with permission

Word Count | 538

[with] cameron, [comm] muse_shuffle, [ship] aiden/pat, [plot] mexico

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