Ich wusste gar nicht das du auch die OVA's schaust. Also so schlimm ist Pinoco nicht in den OVA's meiner ansicht nach (im Anime oder Manga taucht sie andauernd auf).
Ich habe die Diskussion schon mit mehreren Leuten gehabt und 95% von dennen sind der gleichen Meinung wie ich, dass Pinoco ein wichtiger bestandteil im Leben von Black Jack ist auch wenn sie einem manchmal auf die Nerven geht (aber deswegen auch die Rolle des 'comic relief').
Ich habe glücklicherweise das Privileg, den Sender Animax empfangen zu können *ggg* Daher hab ich auch das Glück, die OVAs sehen zu können. Und da du ja so begeistert von der Serie bist, dachte ich, es kann nicht schaden, wenn ich mir das auch mal antue! :) Schätze mal, ich hab so gut wie alle 20 Folgen gesehen, es ist nur immer etwas blöde, weil der Sender die irgendwie in ner komischen Reihenfolge bringt
( ... )
Oh ja, mit Animax hat es bei mir überhaupt mit Black Jack angefangen *gg* Ich weiß noch genau wie ich zu einer Freundin meinte 'Die Serie schaut echt gut aus aber ich bleib doch net so später auf nur um die zu gucken'. Am Ende bin ich doch aufgeblieben und habe mir die OVA's angesehen und ich habe es nie bereut
( ... )
... sorry I'm easy distracted XDDD But yes, nice job, though I think number 4 was a little too overpowered by the texture. For some reason I really like 5, and number 2 is really nice for some reason. :D
Yes, it was my idea to put that little BJ Bunny into the textbox because I thought that just a plain grey textbox would look boring. I absolutely love Mai's Black Jack Bunny since it is just to cute (and I'm not using the word 'cute' frequently)!
Thank you very much for your opinion. I mean it's an honour for me to hear praise and criticism form you because one of your icons was the first Black Jack icon I ever used around LJ (and I still love it).
The problem was that the screenshot from icon number four wasn't that good from the quality so I had to add a texture to cover it ^^"
Aw haha you're making me blush. I'm glad you still enjoy it though!
There's a few ways of trying to recover or improve the quality of screencaps, though one advice I do have is if it just looks too bad, just don't use it for the meantime until you could find a better quality one. It saves you the headache. x3
Hey, there's no reason to blush because you are truly talented!
I know that there a quit a few techniques how to retouch or improve the quality of an photo or screencap (*lol* I stopped counting how many customer I've primp so far). Sadly most of the motion screencaps are a bit blurry but I have 500+ Black Jack screencaps on my computer so that I will find something else to use next time :)
Yeah, I told you that I would use some of your wonderful ONA screencaps (♥!) for my next icon bunch. I still have them all saved on my computer and maybe someday (when I'm in a creative mood again) it is likely that I will work with those caps again :)
I have to admit that I used icon 5 somewhere else before I decided to share it (it's my so called bugger off icon).
Nice icons and I still love to comment your entries with the little one down there. Thanks for sharing your creative icons. Even if I don't get the time to watch more of this show. I liked what I watched so far and maybe if there will be a time with more free hours - who knows? - maybe I will join it.
I really hope that you will have time soon to watch the rest of the episodes because this anime is just brilliant & outstanding (and because it would be so cool if you would join this wonderful fandom).
Comments 25
Ich wusste gar nicht das du auch die OVA's schaust. Also so schlimm ist Pinoco nicht in den OVA's meiner ansicht nach (im Anime oder Manga taucht sie andauernd auf).
Ich habe die Diskussion schon mit mehreren Leuten gehabt und 95% von dennen sind der gleichen Meinung wie ich, dass Pinoco ein wichtiger bestandteil im Leben von Black Jack ist auch wenn sie einem manchmal auf die Nerven geht (aber deswegen auch die Rolle des 'comic relief').
... sorry I'm easy distracted XDDD But yes, nice job, though I think number 4 was a little too overpowered by the texture. For some reason I really like 5, and number 2 is really nice for some reason. :D
Yes, it was my idea to put that little BJ Bunny into the textbox because I thought that just a plain grey textbox would look boring. I absolutely love Mai's Black Jack Bunny since it is just to cute (and I'm not using the word 'cute' frequently)!
Thank you very much for your opinion. I mean it's an honour for me to hear praise and criticism form you because one of your icons was the first Black Jack icon I ever used around LJ (and I still love it).
The problem was that the screenshot from icon number four wasn't that good from the quality so I had to add a texture to cover it ^^"
There's a few ways of trying to recover or improve the quality of screencaps, though one advice I do have is if it just looks too bad, just don't use it for the meantime until you could find a better quality one. It saves you the headache. x3
I know that there a quit a few techniques how to retouch or improve the quality of an photo or screencap (*lol* I stopped counting how many customer I've primp so far). Sadly most of the motion screencaps are a bit blurry but I have 500+ Black Jack screencaps on my computer so that I will find something else to use next time :)
Taking #5! The shooing motion. XD (I think I might and 2 & 1)
Ah! Not only that, but you're listening to B'z! *^o^*b Awesome!
I have to admit that I used icon 5 somewhere else before I decided to share it (it's my so called bugger off icon).
I was listening to B'z but not anymore =P
I have to admit that I used icon 5 somewhere else before I decided to share it (it's my so called bugger off icon).
Fitting name! ^^b
yes, you was. =P
Yes, I was because now I'm listening to Ootsuka Akio thanks to YOU!!!
I really hope that you will have time soon to watch the rest of the episodes because this anime is just brilliant & outstanding (and because it would be so cool if you would join this wonderful fandom).
Aww I missed you, darling =)
theese're cute :D
Especially nb 8 and 11 xD:P
will credit of course :)
I missed you too, so what have you've been up to lately?
Aww I had to learn, learn, learn... :S
But now, I'm here :D
But it is still good to know that you're around more often on LJ :)
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