Portal 2 - TPWHGY

May 20, 2011 05:38

Portal 2 - TPWHGY
by ~hwshipper on deviantART

The Part Where He Grills You (patently obvious as in referring to TPWHKY).

I didn't actually had the intention to draw him once again but since the response to my Tiny Little Wheatley drawing has been quite huge and positive (which is now also my most faved Deviation), I thought, that I should draw him again to express my gratitude for all those fav's and your wonderful feedback. I really appreciate it! ♥!

To begin with, I thought, the idea for this drawing was a bit insane to be honest but then again, he's a moron I remembered, that Wheatley wanted to get those spiky steel plates to shot fire at you, moments before they crush you to death (Still a work in progress, don't judge me yet) and I started to question myself, what's the purpose behind this.

Grilled POTaDOS apparently since he loves humans and their culture and I bet, that he rather has been reading a cookbook instead of Machiavelli. But yeah, Potatoes are so versatile (grilled potatos, chips, French fries, roast potato and so on)! ;D

Tools of Trade


Wheatley's appearance is partly based on forte-girl7's corrupted, humanized Wheatley.
Wheatley (C) Portal 2/Valve

Thank you very much for having a look! \(^o^)/

!public, fanart, video games

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