Interesting independent film

Apr 20, 2006 10:05

I found out about this filmmaker oddly enough by watching Can't Get a Date on VH1. Here's a fascinating review on her documentary--'Silence: In Search of Black Female Sexuality in America'.

Her website and trailer. Please be advised that there's a disturbing few seconds depicting rape.

Film Synopsis:

This 74-minute documentary explores the reasons for sexual silence in the black community with historical facts and testimonies that dates back to slavery and the myths that were created about black women from slavery, the Jim Crow era, and up to now.

In this documentary, fifteen black women in Chicago from all ages, backgrounds, and professions speak for the very first time about their sexual wants, needs, and desires, aiming to clarify these sexual misconceptions and reveal the truth about their sexuality "in their own words."

In the age of misogynist hip hop, as black women are portrayed as "freaks," Mya B sets to destroy the present sexual myths about black women. Among those interviewed, Little X and Nzingha Stewart, two well-known black music industry and the societal impact of the "video hoe" images.

Mixed with melancholic music, film clips, and hard-hitting interviews from every-day people, professors, and music video directors. This film takes us on a journey into American history, unveiling the hidden skeletons that lie deep in the bedrooms of many slave owners.
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