Open Question:

Oct 25, 2007 22:30

Why is it that in ~90% of genderbender fiction it's about a guy becoming a woman and not vice versa?

I mean, okay, there is that plotbunny of a potential slash pairing via the het way, right. But, seriously... why?!

frage an die maus, enquiry

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Comments 12

elfy October 25 2007, 20:58:08 UTC
Weil Männer immer noch die Hauptzielgruppe in den Köpfen vieler Filmemacher sind? Weil man immer wieder den 'Oh cool, jetzt hab ich Titten und kann mich selbst befummeln' Witz bringen kann? Weil die Gesellschaft es bestimmt 'Ewwww' findet, wenn eine Frau -> Mann denkt 'Cool, ich hab nen Schwanz, lasst mich was ficken'? Weil es dann eher zu Lesbensex oder Andeutungen davon kommt, was ja 'alle' Kerle geil finden und nicht zu Schwulensex, was ja 'alle' blöd finden.
Gute Frage.
In Daywatch kommt beides vor :) Wenn auch auf das 'üblichere' weit mehr Gewicht gelegt wird.
Also, meine Aussage bezieht sich natürlich auf Filme etc.


severusslave October 25 2007, 21:16:37 UTC
Was ist Daywatch?

Ja, und stimmt schon, lustig ists, aber F->M ist äußerst interessant, imho. Hmm.

I'd read Wonder (Wo)Man/Batman. ;)


severusslave October 25 2007, 22:58:04 UTC
Ah, Nochnoi Dozor. See, all those Russians around me make me watch that movie with them in Russian. I forget the international title. :P

And you're right.


blacksquirrel October 26 2007, 01:19:08 UTC
I don't know if you're at all interested in Stargate: Atlantis, but there's an excellent novel-length WIP, which only has one more chapter to go before its complete, which includes both M to F and F to M for 3 characters, and treats each change with a really rich depth of character-specificity. I'd really recommend it, even if you don;t usually watch SGA. It's called Ardhanarishvara and it's available Here


severusslave October 26 2007, 13:59:13 UTC
Um, yes, SGA fan, over here. Wrote the majority of my fics about that fandom. (Am still a bit miffled about the lackage of Sheppard/O'Neill, though. :P)

Ardhanarishvara was awesome, true, and it was very interesting to read about Teyla's attitude towards it all. Being less than before, no being able to give her people children anymore and so on. Hmm, I shall have to reread it, it probably got new chapters. :D


blacksquirrel October 26 2007, 15:24:31 UTC
Oh dear - sorry about that. I often forget why I fist friended people and ow that you've reminded me that you're in SGA, it was probably just for your SGA fic. Oooops - sorry about that.


severusslave October 26 2007, 16:31:40 UTC
:P No problem. Relationships evolve, yay!


scap3goat October 27 2007, 23:54:40 UTC
Because no woman would want to be a man? Because women are hot as they are?

Because there is no way I could imagine Kim or Sugar (from Sugar Rush) as a guy because that would defeat the whole purpose of the series (Kim lusting after Sugar).

Honestly, though? No idea.


severusslave October 28 2007, 15:41:19 UTC
Being a guy for a month? I'd do it.


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