DC & Marvel

Jan 01, 2004 16:41

What Was And What Is Now
DC, YJ/TT, Bart/Kon/Tim, G, 700 words
Summary: Futurefic. The boys are men now, living their life.

All The Things He Had Not Noticed Until Now
DC, YJ/TT, Bart/Kon/Tim, NC17, 1940 words
Summary: Right now was- (Bart certainly would have been able to tell you, dear reader, what right now was for him, if he hadn't been spectacularly blown by his buddy Kon.)

Tim Negative Two
DC, YJ/TT, Tim Bart/Kon/Tim, G, 200 words

DC, YJ, Bart/Tim, PG13, 400 words

Losing Control
Marvel, Xmen, Wolverine/Nightcrawler, NC17

The Smell of Spices Surrounds You
Marvel, Xmen, Wolverine/Gambit, G




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