Fic: Put Myself in the Picture of Success (RPF)

Aug 24, 2007 00:19

Title: Put Myself in the Picture of Success
Fandom: X-Files RPF
Pairing: David/Gillian
Rating: PG-13
Summary: David and Gillian horse around and reveal more than they meant to.
AN: Written for crazyvictoria's prompt in the homeby_five ficathon. The prompt was a photo of Gillian straddling David, and sadly the link no longer works!

The extra pouted when Chris confiscated the film from her camera )

x-files, my fic

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Comments 13

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severuslovesme August 24 2007, 05:48:36 UTC
Heee X-Files RPF has taken over my brain! I'm glad you're enjoying them; sometimes I feel like I came a few hours late to the party ;)


odakota_rose August 25 2007, 01:39:37 UTC
This story = ♥
You captured the magic :)


severuslovesme August 29 2007, 01:28:57 UTC
Yay thank you! :D


anonymous August 29 2007, 14:07:26 UTC
*snicker* I loved the last line. Just...yeah.

Though now I *really* wish that link wasn't broken. I wanna see the picture ;_; *whine*.

Shoulda saved it on your computer >_>;.


miri_d August 29 2007, 14:08:03 UTC
Sh*t, sorry, that was from me.


miri_d August 29 2007, 14:09:12 UTC
PS: I'm still stuck on *your* story.

Please, please, give me a line to start the story with?


severuslovesme August 29 2007, 17:06:14 UTC
Thank you! And yeah, I'm kicking myself for that now.

Ok, here we go:

She was going to kill David.

(if that doesn't prompt you just comment back and I can come up with something else!)


mushfromnewsies October 20 2007, 05:52:37 UTC
Ooh wooow. I have to come here and beg for that picture. :D Do you still have that link? Is there anyway to resurrect it by finding it on the Internet Archive, or something? It's hard to believe that a picture like that wouldn't show up somewhere, in a fandom with this much history. :D


severuslovesme October 20 2007, 06:03:05 UTC
So sorry! It was actually a userpic of crazyvictoria, so you might ask her. I was sad when the pic disappeared too!

If you are looking at lots of X-Files pictures, Gillian's wearing a shiny blue blouse and her hair is pretty long, it looked to me like Season 7/8. Good luck!


mushfromnewsies December 16 2007, 23:09:10 UTC
P.S. Just to let you know, I did look up the picture, and it was actually a manip, of Gillian and her co-star in her play "What the Night is For". hahah I am secretly disappointed that it wasn't *really* DD and GA, but oh well.


severuslovesme December 18 2007, 00:53:29 UTC
Oooh thanks for the info! Always good to know! But yes, very sad that it wasn't David and Gillian ;)


stop_theworld December 22 2008, 05:06:56 UTC
The opening line literally made me LOL.

Rilo Kiley title! :D :D :D

I loooove the way you keep bringing in Mitch and Chris!

knocking him flat with the ease of an actress who did all her own stunts. Love! Also LOVE how every falls for Gillian, and how she laughs all the time and her hair shines and she is devious. My favorite things about her!


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