Wednesday Reading Meme

Dec 13, 2023 11:44

I've been getting caught up on other things in the mornings, trying to get back onto the Let's Get Healthy track with exercise, and then working into the evenings. Not much time for anything else, but I did manage two more books. Good thing I can read while on the exercise bike!

What I Just Finished Reading: Just two this week: Countdown City by ( Read more... )

author: b, reading challenge: lost challenges, author: w, reading: wednesday reading meme

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Comments 5

gilda_elise December 13 2023, 17:54:04 UTC
Great minds think alike. *g* I'm trying to get through A Dog's Perfect Christmas, and am having the same reaction that you did. The characters are so clichéd it isn't funny, and the dogs get short shrift. I've loved all the other Cameron books because, as you say, they're from the POV of the dog, which Cameron does well. But with people? I got the idea that the guy has never been around kids.


severina2001 December 31 2023, 21:01:25 UTC
omg right? The 3 year olds talking gibberish? Waaaay past that at that age. It was such an annoying book. LOL


asphaltcowgrrl December 13 2023, 18:48:04 UTC
Sorry the one book was a flop. But good luck finding a routine! I've been such a slug these last few months, I really need to get back at it myself.


severina2001 December 31 2023, 21:04:00 UTC


asphaltcowgrrl January 2 2024, 21:43:22 UTC
*squeezes* I'll find my way eventually!


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