Wednesday Reading Meme

Apr 26, 2023 11:32

What I Just Finished Reading: This week I read three books: Spare by Prince Harry, Skyhunter by Marie Lu, and Lost Boy Lost Girl by Peter Straub. Reviews below.

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm about 1/4 of the way through The Maze Runner by James Dashner. This is technically a reread but I read this so long ago I don't remember much. persnickett's main ( Read more... )

reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: book bingo, author: p, reading: wednesday reading meme, reading challenge: goodreads, author: m, reading challenge: challenge factory

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Comments 5

asphaltcowgrrl April 26 2023, 18:08:09 UTC
Excellent reading week! And I agree with you on Harry's trauma. Eventually I will get this from the library to read.


severina2001 April 29 2023, 19:27:57 UTC
I already felt for him, and reading his story in his words made me feel for him even more.


asphaltcowgrrl April 30 2023, 18:17:56 UTC
Agreed. He and William were both so young when their mother died. It's hard on a kid. :/


gilda_elise April 27 2023, 12:32:49 UTC
I've thought about picking up Spare. after your excellent review, I just might. :-)

The only thing I've read by Straub is The Talisman, the book he wrote with Stephen King. I really enjoyed it, and have always wanted to read the sequel. Or maybe something else by him.


severina2001 April 29 2023, 19:30:01 UTC
I definitely recommend it. It felt very honest to me. He doesn't shy away from things.

I looooved The Talisman. Very much disliked the sequel. I haven't read a ton of Straub but the one that stood out and that I read more than once back in the day was Ghost Story, which was very weird and also dealt with a mix of the paranormal and the 'real world'.


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