Wednesday Reading Meme

Feb 15, 2023 15:19

Crazy wind storm here today. We've got wind gusts up to 100km/hr. I've seen some footage of huge trees down & I've already lost my power once, so hopefully it'll stay on long enough for me to post this! I'm nervous about trying to work again with the possibility of the power going out again. The files I take have timeframes on when they're due and ( Read more... )

reading challenge: lost challenges, reading: wednesday reading meme, reading challenge: goodreads, author: m, reading challenge: challenge factory, author: k

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Comments 9

haldoor February 15 2023, 20:40:55 UTC

May the storm pass quickly, and your power settle so you can work! Excellent reading work!


severina2001 February 19 2023, 17:50:09 UTC
Thankfully the power held out for the rest of the day and I was able to work.


asphaltcowgrrl February 15 2023, 21:52:20 UTC
Dang, sounds like here yesterday. We were having 50 mph/80kmh wind gusts, rain, hail, and SNOW. We never have that much weather at once. Hopefully it blows through quickly!

I'm reading an ARC of a KJ Charles book right now! The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen is the name of it and I'm liking it so far. Set in 1810 which is a bit different for me. I tend to mostly read contemporary or recent historicals.


severina2001 February 19 2023, 17:56:11 UTC
Ugh. This weather is crazy. While our wind storm was happening it was 12C/55F out. Would have been lovely for a walk if I wouldn't have been blown into Oz if I stepped outside the door! The very next day it was -4C/25F. Craziness!

I'm definitely going to check out more of her books.


asphaltcowgrrl February 19 2023, 20:58:43 UTC
I hear you. It's going to be 70 here in a couple days then drop down into the 50's on the next. Crazy.

Same here - halfway through the one I'm reading and already want more.


tinnean February 16 2023, 13:31:59 UTC
I love KJ Charles's works and have many of them in my TBR file. Delayed gratification, don't you know. 0:-)

That sounds like one scary storm. Stay safe, and I hope your power stays on.


severina2001 February 19 2023, 17:58:21 UTC
Oh, nice. Yeah, I'm definitely going to keep her in mind in the future.


gilda_elise February 16 2023, 13:46:11 UTC
I truly enjoyed The Chalk Man. AN excellent book! Hope you enjoy it as well.


severina2001 February 19 2023, 18:00:16 UTC
I did!


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