Wednesday Reading Meme

Oct 19, 2022 12:00

What I Just Finished Reading: Since last Wednesday I read Plague of the Undead by Joe McKinney, Element Zero by James Knapp, and Apple Strudel Alibi by HY Hanna. (Reviews below)

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm currently reading The Magdalen Girls by V.S. Alexander. It's an easy read so far for such a grim subject matter.

What I'm Planning To Read ( Read more... )

reading challenge: four moon reviews, reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: prompt a month, reading: wednesday reading meme, author: j, reading challenge: challenge factory, author: h

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Comments 7

asphaltcowgrrl October 19 2022, 16:32:13 UTC
Woohoo, more good books! I'm guessing you're waiting on the newest Chet & Bernie book? Do you know if there will be more?

Hopefully you continue to enjoy the one you're reading. :)


severina2001 October 21 2022, 00:28:18 UTC
Yes, it's the one that came out in August of this year. I just checked my library account and see that it's there now, so I know where I'm going tomorrow morning! Not sure if there'll be more but I don't see why not! Aaaaand there are 4 novellas that take place between the original stories that I've decided I'm going to treat myself to. My library doesn't have them so I have to buy them. Worth it!

I DNF'ed The Magdalen Girls, though. It just honestly read like it was written for middle school kids. I kept rolling my eyes so it was time to put it down and step away. LOL


asphaltcowgrrl October 21 2022, 20:00:48 UTC
Okay, that's what I was thinking. Woohoo! I hope it's great. Oh cool, those little between the books novellas can be a lot of fun. You definitely deserve the treat, too.

Ugh, sorry to hear that, but it's better to move on to something you'll enjoy.


severina2001 October 21 2022, 23:42:21 UTC
Yes. I'm so excited I found them. I got them today and I think I might start with them, actually. I checked the rules on a few of the challenges I do and there are no page count limits on them, so they'll even count. And I think if they're published as separate books then they count as separate books for my counting, too. My rules rock. LOL

I used to just slog through bad books but there are just waaaaaaay too many great books out there that I refuse to do that anymore. I've already read a great new paranormal cozy mystery and now I'm on to Chet!


kinwad October 19 2022, 22:55:28 UTC
I'm going to have to check out "Apple Strudel Alibi". I hesitated to read that one because I so loved her books (thanks to your reviews) that were set in the Cotswolds but I'll give that one a try. Tx for turning me on to her works!


severina2001 October 21 2022, 00:30:17 UTC
Oh wow, that's so cool that you read them all. You're welcome! I have just started a different type of cozy mystery -- at least I think it could be called that -- that I'm really enjoying as well. :)


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