Who made these fan vids??

May 15, 2005 17:38

So I am having fun rewatching all the amazing fan videos that have been made in the past couple of years (um, yeah, should be writing Improv fic, but well...) and trying to organize them in some fashion. I've gone through about 1/3 of the ones I have saved, and so far I've come across three of them where I'm unsure who made them ( Read more... )

fanvid recs, tv: queer as folk

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Comments 7

thediane May 15 2005, 21:55:57 UTC
Ha! I was just organizing my vids as well :)

My World is by the fab altricial and Sixteen Going on Seventeen was by altricial and erinface for juteux's birthday. And I have no idea bout the last one :(

But yay for fan vids!


thediane May 15 2005, 21:57:42 UTC
I just checked, and you were right about the Waiting (reprise) vid, it's by rhiannonhero :D


severina2001 May 16 2005, 00:00:54 UTC
I am watching, renaming, saving, deleting, organizing like a mad woman. I *really* need to be writing, though. But I don't wanna stop watching. LOL

Thanks for your help!


twistinside82 May 15 2005, 23:16:27 UTC
asdlfkj; I MADE YOU DOWNLOAD MY WORLD. It is my favorite fanvid of all time. I watch it so much it's scary. When I first dled it I watched it 12958094286 times. It's by Anna. I think it was annaface and now it's annafreud? Not sure. I know it is from popbiscuits.org. OMG I LOVE THAT VID. I'm going to watch it again right now. ♥


severina2001 May 15 2005, 23:58:59 UTC
Clearly you should have followed up with "HAVE YOU WATCHED IT YET? HAVE YOU? HUH? HAVE YOU?" until you drove me so insane that I had to watch, and then I would have had crazy mad love for this vid eons ago.

So is annaface/annafreud the same person as altricial? Oh, changing LJ usernames, how you confuse me. Popbiscuits.org is gone now, there is just a holding page.

Must buy pop, then write. Yes.


twistinside82 May 19 2005, 06:23:57 UTC
I have no idea who is who anymore. Just label it Anna. ;))


(The comment has been removed)

severina2001 May 16 2005, 02:25:49 UTC
Fan vids = Best Birthday Present Ever.

So is annafreud the same person as altricial? Yes, right? :)


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