Feeling proud of myself

Oct 16, 2021 13:24

It might seem silly, but I'm feeling so proud that I've stayed really well on track with work for the past couple of weeks. I've really been slacking for a long time, and I have buckled down and put in full days and I am starting to think that maybe I will be able to see a teeny little light at the end of the tunnel soon. I still have soooooo far ( Read more... )

creativity, reading: no prompt, reading challenge: book bingo, goals, work, author: r, author: d

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Comments 10

justjo2u October 16 2021, 21:41:14 UTC
It's not silly to feel proud of that at all. Well done. Sometimes getting into a good routine really helps in many ways. I love routine and I've fallen off mine recently. I need to start clawing my way back.


severina2001 October 18 2021, 17:05:38 UTC
Thanks for that. I also love routine and organization. I didn't realize how off my game I've felt for the longest time until the past few weeks.


asphaltcowgrrl October 16 2021, 23:49:01 UTC
It's always good to feel proud of yourself, even when it's just little things. A routine is important, so you've got this.


severina2001 October 18 2021, 17:06:06 UTC
Thanks for that reminder! *hugs*


darlulu October 17 2021, 00:08:39 UTC
I've been completely disorganized and scattered lately so I really am impressed when other people are staying on task and sticking to a routine. I'm hoping to get back on that horse in the coming week.


severina2001 October 18 2021, 17:07:10 UTC
I didn't realize how off kilter I've been for so long until the past few weeks when I've finally stuck to a good routine. I hope it works out for you, too!


haldoor October 17 2021, 01:15:18 UTC

Congrats! It is very hard to motivate yourself to work sometimes, so good on you for doing it, and sticking to your routine!


severina2001 October 18 2021, 17:07:44 UTC
It really IS! I feel so much better about it now. Thanks for the support!


craterdweller October 18 2021, 15:37:20 UTC
Not silly at all! Pat yourself on the back, it is well deserved!

You've got this!


severina2001 October 18 2021, 17:08:55 UTC
Thank you!

Love your icon. You've inspired me to go looking for animals playing with pumpkins pics. :D


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