There are advantages to not working

Feb 16, 2021 15:44

I've been so unmotivated for the past few weeks. I think it's this long, long quarantine just getting to me. I am a person who enjoys my own company but now I'm really longing for a nice visit with my sister and brother-in-law. Forcing myself to work is a chore so sometimes I just don't, which is really gonna hurt my bottom line come end of the ( Read more... )

weather omg, tv: preacher, work, creativity, reading challenge: book bingo, tv: the block, health, reading challenge: goodreads, author: m

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Comments 18

haldoor February 17 2021, 00:45:56 UTC
I feel for you having to suffer such a long quarantine and missing your friends and family interactions! I think I'm a bit like you in that way - love my own company, but after a while, you just need the interactions. I hope it ends for you soon. We've just been thrust back into it with some new cases in Auckland, so we're currently on Day 3 of the latest lockdown after 6 months of freedom, and I can see them lengthening it as my hubby just told me that 2 more people close to the cluster that caused this new lockdown have also tested positive... we're getting an announcement this afternoon to update if we have to stay home longer ( ... )


severina2001 February 17 2021, 05:51:49 UTC
I was thinking of you the other day when there was that underwater earthquake in your neck of the woods. I heard them mention the possibility of tsunami's for Vanuatu which I felt like was in your general vicinity. Then I looked up some distances and discovered that the distance from NZ to Vanuatu is the same as from Toronto, Ontario to Calgary, Alberta... which is to say, NOT CLOSE AT ALL. lol ( ... )


haldoor February 17 2021, 22:26:22 UTC
Thanks for thinking of me! Parts of NZ did actually get tsunami warnings,. although of course it was fairly unlikely anything would make it this far. We do get a few earthquakes in the Pacific (and in NZ itself of course), but so far nothing major for a while, thankfully ( ... )


severina2001 February 18 2021, 20:43:04 UTC
Oh yes, I think for a lot of us here in North America -- at least the people I talk to -- your part of the world has the reputation of "beautiful, but scary." LOL Do you have the same type/amount of scary/deadly/huge bugs that Australia has??

Last night I opened up the second puzzle and put together the border and a little bit of the middle. Addicted, I tell ya. :D


cmk418 February 17 2021, 19:25:18 UTC
Action-adventure seems like it could encompass some other genres - mystery, thriller, horror. Maybe a nice spy novel would fit the bill there. Probably a bunch of YA books too - have you read the Divergent series? They would go nicely under action-adventure. And it's really ok to stop after the first (Divergent) as they tend to go down in quality after that.


severina2001 February 18 2021, 20:44:46 UTC
I was thinking spy novel as well, but I don't really read that kind of book and I don't want to slog through something I won't particularly enjoy just for the sake of ticking off a box. Hadn't thought of Divergent because I was not really a fan of the others of that ilk, like Hunger Games and Maze Runner. Hmm. Any other thoughts??


cmk418 February 18 2021, 20:50:30 UTC

If you can find it, A Hole in the World by Sophie Robbins could qualify. It has some moments that read like a video game, but it's a cute f/f romance/fairy tale with action adventure elements toward the end. Magic's Pawn by Mercedes Lackey is mainly fantasy with action-adventure spots throughout. I don't read spy novels but maybe some of the Bourne novels would work.


severina2001 February 18 2021, 20:59:47 UTC
Found and downloaded the first one! I'm not sure it totally fits for A/A, but it sounds super cute and I'm sure I can fit it into another prompt if I don't use it for this one. (haldoor also gave me an A/A option.)

Thanks for your suggestions!


fansee February 25 2021, 19:43:02 UTC
In January I started working on a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle and could not do it. I never got the frame completed! Finally boxed it up again and bought two 300 piece puzzles but have been too intimidated to try to do either of them.

As for transferring pictures, I have a primitive, awkward work-around.

Step 1: First I mail the pictures on my phone to myself by attaching them to an email addressed to me. (I'm my most prolific correspondent since I find sending more than four at time chokes my system up.) When I receive the email, I copy the code under the picture and past it into a folder titled...wait for it!...Pictures. (I actually have multiple Picture folders with titles like Pictures 1Q2021.)

Step 2: When I want to use a picture from a Picture folder, I click on Upload on the LJ post I'm working on and go to the Picture folder. I highlight the picture I want to download and Open it, and insert it in my post:

... )


severina2001 February 26 2021, 17:13:12 UTC
YOU ARE BRILLIANT! I didn't even consider that there was another way to move things over from the phone, but I just tried it and it seems to work, so YAY! I CAN START SHARING PHOTOS AGAIN!! Thank you!


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