I am really not that busy...

Jan 24, 2020 23:45

...so why is it that I always seem to be scrambling to get things done? *sigh* I really thought that by now I'd have a little routine down. Get up, check the news, check the job sites, apply for stuff, HAVE ALL THE FUNS DOING WHATEVER I WANT, sleep. Not so much. I need structure. Tomorrow I have to go to library and shopping, Sunday is Sunday ( Read more... )

author: n, reading challenge: popsugar, author: g, author: b, reading challenge: goodreads, job hunting

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Comments 7

craterdweller January 25 2020, 17:04:25 UTC
Isn't it funny/annoying how the days melt away? I managed quite a few errands yesterday, which was a good thing as our moving day approaches. But I am about 2K words behind pace for my GetYourWordsOut pledge. Although I'd really love to be the person who could journal/write every day, I have come to accept I am more of a binge writer -- which is why I need challenges and things with deadlines. Sigh. If only ...


severina2001 January 26 2020, 01:37:30 UTC
Yes, you definitely need to be on the ball with your big move coming. That'll get here quicker than you know it.

I sooooo need challenges and prompts and deadlines too! That's another reason why the original fic is so challenging. It's something that I knew I'd have to deal with, but I think I'm going to have to figure out the *structure* of writing that thing, too. Another Tuesday job!


haldoor January 25 2020, 21:03:02 UTC

Oh boy, I so know what you mean. How easy it is to while away the days when there's little going on.

I do find making lists can be helpful for me - if there are tasks I need to do and I organise myself and tick things off, I often feel much more satisfied with what I did in a day or week, depending on what I want to achieve. I've been slack about it lately though.

Good luck for getting some things set in place for Tuesday and beyond!


severina2001 January 26 2020, 01:40:45 UTC
*nods so much* I have a "bullet journal" (which I am really not using as a typical bullet journal would be used, so it's probably just a journal at this point) and in there I have monthly charts and checklists and book lists and all sorts of fun organizational things. And honestly, except for writing, everything else IS getting ticked-off/crossed-off/check-marked on time. It's just that it's midnight before the last thing every day is done. LOL


haldoor January 26 2020, 05:54:20 UTC
Then I'd say you are doing well! Mine tend to be more like checked off in full by the end of the year (if I'm lucky!), LOL! Although I can be better if they're a daily list and NEED to get done. Much of mine are things I want or would like to get done and that's why it's harder!

I don't think I've ever seen a bullet journal anyway; how do they work generally?


severina2001 January 26 2020, 21:18:26 UTC
Oh yeah, having yearly goals only works (for me) if I then chop them up into monthly ones as well.

In a bullet journal, you are supposed to use an index and a whole bunch of codes to track progress (daily, monthly, yearly) and set up calendars. I found that too confusing so I just did my own thing. The one thing I carried over is being creative with the pages. Hmm. Maybe I will take some photos on Tuesday and do a post about it. :)


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