Catching Up

Jul 14, 2019 22:04

Man, it's been a while since I've posted. Vacation was great, and being back to work hasn't even been that bad. As of tonight it's going to get even better because I'll be doing data entry for practically my whole shift for the next little while. Big Woooooot for getting away from customer service for 80% of my shift ( Read more... )

author: c, writing, work, author: h, apartment, reading challenge: popsugar, author: l, author: b, health, reading challenge: goodreads, editor: john joseph adams, amy

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Comments 2

persnickett July 16 2019, 08:44:11 UTC
Oh you are HAPPY about the data entry! lol I only knew about the loss of the books so I thought you were bummed. That's good then! Glad getting back to work hasn't been too bad. Keep us posted on the vape thing! Maybe if you don't have to go outside in nature any more you will have more motivation to stop! ;)
But seriously, I know you mean it about being that upset, so I hope the wasp is sorted soon. <3


severina2001 July 16 2019, 13:02:23 UTC
I was up until last night. But I'm not happy about anything work related right now, so. But that's a whole 'nother post.

And seriously? That whole "not having to go outside into scary bugworld" is more of a motivation than health or money! That should tell people all they need to know about how scared of bugs I am.

Have you ever seen Logan's Run? It's about a future society that exists under sealed domes. Would be heaven if you didn't get murdered at 30. Aaaanyway, two of the people escape to the world beyond the domes and the first time a bug crawls on Jessica she exclaims, "I HATE outside!"

I hear ya, Jessica. I hear ya.


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