Title: Man Down
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard
Characters: John/Matt
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1908 words
Summary: Matt expects that his second attempt at a nice dinner with John will have to go better than the first. He really doesn't know John all that well yet, does he?
Notes: Second fic in what I'm calling the "mousecapades" verse. (The
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Comments 4
But there will be a third date! \o/
Do we get to see it? ;-)
Thank you so much!
So glad you are enjoying the little Mousecapades! Their third adventure date is almost finished, and the fourth is plotted. So there will be at least two more. :)
Every use of 'probably' was brilliant. I was so excited when you used it twice on a row so cutely, AND THEN IT CAME BACK AROUND AGAIN. TWICE. And you know how snick enjoys a good call-back. :D
And Matt having a curse of his own is awesome, and I think may even be all new in fandom. Which is super cool. I wonder if it's that same matchmaking mouse just scampering all over the city making their dates all that much more McClane-esque.
*smishes this, and you*
Heee, I'm glad you liked the thought of a Matt-curse. And it's such an ODD curse that it seemed so distinctly 'Matt' to me. LOL (And now I want to somehow write a matchmaking mouse. I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN SO HELP ME GOD.)
*is delightfully smished*
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