The State of Me 2014

Jan 03, 2015 07:43

Happy New Year! How is it already January 03 ( Read more... )

friends, health, writing, social media, amy, snick, the year in review

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Comments 20

shadownyc January 3 2015, 12:55:21 UTC
I wish you all the best in working to achieve your new goals.

Congratulations on working to achieve your goals of 2014 as best you could. I hope you can get the health issues in line so you can feel well. *Hugs*


severina2001 January 3 2015, 12:57:52 UTC
Thank you so much. I do think that everything is related, and health definitely affects the output of everything else. That will be my biggest goal this year, I think. *crosses fingers*


tracys_dream January 3 2015, 14:41:37 UTC
I think your memory jar is such a wonderful idea.
After dieting last year, I haven't actually lost any weight but hoping to change this in this year.
I want to watch more movies this year. Not sure how many I watched last year but it probably wasn't that many.
Happy 2015!


severina2001 January 3 2015, 15:34:20 UTC
You should do a memory jar this year!

Good luck with your weight loss goals. Goodness knows it's a lot easier to put the weight on than to take it off.

You could always set a goal and do a movie log as well. :)


tracys_dream January 3 2015, 15:54:17 UTC
I'm not sure how many movies I could watch in a year but a goal is a good idea.
Whilst I've been off work I've been watching the early seasons of Beverly Hills 90210, lol!


severina2001 January 4 2015, 06:50:07 UTC
Yup, I watched a lot of TV shows instead of movies as well. Some new to me and some just rewatches, but hey, it was fun. :)


cmk418 January 3 2015, 15:42:55 UTC
I can relate to the weight re-gain sinus thing and it sounds like you're moving in the right direction with regards to both of those.

You wrote over 100K words this year! That is impressive and should be celebrated.

I love the idea of the happy memories jar. I think that's something I wouldn't mind doing. Maybe you can post a picture for us. Or did you empty it after the end of the year with the thought of refilling it for 2015?

Wishing you much success in your goals and a happy and healthy 2015!


severina2001 January 4 2015, 07:03:03 UTC
I set a lofty goal that I truly didn't expect to make on the first try, but I'm still a little disappointed I didn't even make 150K. But yes, almost 150K is still a lot of words. Go me!

I already emptied the 2014 jar -- I wasn't thinking so I didn't get pics -- but here's a pic of the jar last year when it only had 4 little memories in it. The whole thing was full and stacked pretty tightly before I was through!

... )


lisacali January 3 2015, 17:19:28 UTC
Good luck with all your goals. I feel you on the weight loss. I was doing okay with the low-carb thing until Dec. hit and then I pretty much gave up.

I'm going to move our Wii into the basement so I can start using the Wii Fit again in relative privacy. And we also have a treadmill down there that I haven't used in way too long.

I try to save all my change and then usually cash it in once a year or so, but this last year I've always been so broke I end up using all by the end of the week!


severina2001 January 4 2015, 07:04:44 UTC
Thank you so much. I reached a point in the summer where I was soooo frustrated that I just decided to eat alllllll the things! I'm paying for it now, LOL.

Good luck with getting back on track yourself. My first day back on the stationary bike was torture, but WE CAN DO IT!!!


peripety January 3 2015, 23:01:26 UTC
Those are some great goals. I love the memory jar idea! I hope you have success with all your goals :)


severina2001 January 4 2015, 07:05:00 UTC
Thank you so much!


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