OMG so awesome things ALWAYS happen on my Birthday!

Mar 02, 2012 07:48

So when my friend Amy gets into work today, she gives me a birthday present, including a $50 book gift card! Now we don't DO birthdays anymore, which is the first thing I SAY, because whoa expensive, and she's all "Vicki, shut up and say thank you." So I did. So already this is like an awesome birthday, right ( Read more... )

friends, my birthday, actor: justin long, travel: new york

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Comments 35

secretsolitaire March 2 2012, 12:58:51 UTC
Happy birthday! *plates up a slice of cake*


severina2001 March 3 2012, 03:36:00 UTC
Thank you so much! *digs in with relish*


shadownyc March 2 2012, 13:00:46 UTC
Woohoo for you!

Let me know when you'll be in town if you and Amy would enjoy company for lunch. I'll see if I can come in.


severina2001 March 3 2012, 03:36:56 UTC
Right? I'm researching hotels right now. Crazy!

Oooh, that would be awesome! Would be great to see you again! :)


shadownyc March 3 2012, 10:53:21 UTC
Yay! Just let me know when you'll be here and I'll see if I can make arrangements. *HUGS*


severina2001 March 3 2012, 17:02:23 UTC
Exxxxcellent! Well I can tell you that we're going the first weekend in May... either Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday. So hopefully something in there will work for you. :)


darlulu March 2 2012, 13:03:22 UTC
Happy Birthday!

I love Justin Long and am so jealous omg!


severina2001 March 3 2012, 03:37:26 UTC
Thank you!! :D


tinnean March 2 2012, 14:00:55 UTC
Happy birthday, and enjoy Justin!


severina2001 March 3 2012, 03:38:06 UTC
Thanks so much! (Is it wrong that my mind went to a happyplace with the wording of that "enjoy justin"? Hmmmm. LOL)


msofdarkness March 2 2012, 14:01:32 UTC
Happy Birthday!


severina2001 March 3 2012, 03:38:21 UTC
Thank you!


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