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Comments 17

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lunachickk December 21 2010, 02:48:13 UTC
I completely agree.


severina2001 December 21 2010, 02:57:18 UTC
Me too. :D


severina2001 December 21 2010, 02:59:22 UTC
Absolutely. He *kept the rings*. :D


lunachickk December 21 2010, 02:49:22 UTC
Justin got there. He was just a little late because of his plane. *nods*


severina2001 December 21 2010, 02:58:20 UTC
LOL I can live with that.

In fact, I think I wrote that for someone, during a blogathon. One of many who wrote that, I'm sure!


bodleian December 21 2010, 03:06:15 UTC
The ending did help us to keep our hopes alive. Justin was going away but he could come back at any time. And we have some brilliant fanfic writers who help us to keep our dreams alive.
I wish that the opera singer waiter had never happened. I really hated that.


severina2001 December 21 2010, 03:10:58 UTC
Hee, yeah, but this is what you wish DID happen. Like... Ted losing his voice so he can't ever go to work as a singing waiter. LOL

But that does remind me: I wish that whole storyline where Emmett falls in and out of love in 45 minutes at Babylon never happened. UGH.


thistle90 December 21 2010, 04:05:21 UTC
I wish we had seen Brian bottom again at some point.


but yeah, Justin walking in at the end WHICH I WAS COMPLETELY SURE WAS GOING TO HAPPEN UNTIL IT DIDN'T would have been even better. I liked all the seasons and I don't think anything in the finale indicated that they actually broke up. Justin just made a temporary move for career purposes. Brian can afford all the plane tickets he wants. *nods*


bentley1530 December 21 2010, 04:35:59 UTC
I wish Lindsay and Melanie had not moved to Canada because the idea that America was unsafe for Gays and Lesbians was just over the top. We have our problems but we are not the Middle East.


thistle90 December 21 2010, 04:54:14 UTC
I wish they had gone away sooner. Season 2 would have been good. Hee.

But, yeah, unrealistic lesbian subplot is unrealistic.


severina2001 December 21 2010, 12:48:01 UTC
LOL, I think of every answer in terms of Brian and Justin! Melanie who? Lindsay what? Who are these people? :D


ayesakara December 21 2010, 05:16:06 UTC
We reveled in our Season 5 Love, didn't we??????


severina2001 December 21 2010, 12:44:18 UTC
It was so RARE. LOL


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