American Idol... Predictions

Mar 25, 2007 19:22

Okay. I print out my fic, so I've got hard copies of that. Checked mp3's on mediamax and everything seems to be there. Am currently uploading a few fanvids that I want to make sure I have. Still got a few photos to upload, but no big deal if I lose them ( Read more... )

fucking technology, tv: american idol

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Comments 6

lexii314 March 26 2007, 00:55:28 UTC
I am completely lost as to how the contestants will fair. Mostly because this is my fist time ever watching. I am very intrigued though.


severina2001 March 26 2007, 11:59:12 UTC
Honestly, half this crop is so uninspired that it was really difficult to do this list! But I'm thinking that Lakisha and Melinda will be the "shocking eliminations" of the season.


lexii314 March 26 2007, 18:51:07 UTC
You know...I think your right. Only because while watching last week I wanted to vote for Lakisha and my nieces freaked. They are in love, IN LOVE!! with Sanjaya. I gave in because at their age I was a Tom Jones, David Cassidy and Leif Garret FREAK!!!
It's the hair !!!!Pre teen girls can't handle it.


severina2001 March 28 2007, 01:50:05 UTC
Little girls need their crushes too! :D


thistle90 March 26 2007, 04:20:06 UTC
Sanjaya icon!!! Love! He totally rocked it this week! Poor kid is not nearly as bad as they keep trying to tell him. Plus he is the prettiest thing on the planet with a smile to die for. Who the hell cares if he can sing? Chris Richardson, now he sucks. I cannot stand his voice. Plus not pretty and boring. He should totally go next.

What is with Lakisha going out at 6??? She's hands down the best. No one else is in her league. Gives me chills every time.

Melinda is completely overrated. No personality. Or posture. I will be pissed if she outlasts Lakisha, so you had better not be right girl!

Gina is fun and different, so I want her to stay, but she's out of her league at this point. Same goes for Phil.

Jordin has really surprised me, but Lakisha is better.

Chris Sligh is fab and adorable.

Blake rules.

I'm hoping the top 5 will be Chris Sligh, Lakisha, Blake (love!), Jordin, and Sanjaya.

oh wait.... I forgot Haley. Yeah, that's about right.

OMG, I can't believe how totally into this show I am. Hee.


severina2001 March 26 2007, 12:05:49 UTC
Sanjaya icon!!! Love! He totally rocked it this week! Poor kid is not nearly as bad as they keep trying to tell him.

That's what I keep saying! If you just listen to his previous weeks performances (except for "Steppin' Out", coz that was just bad) he really does have a nice voice. And while Melinda and Lakisha might have great voices, they don't seem to get the 'entertaining' part of being an "entertainer". Sanjaya entertains me. :)

What is with Lakisha going out at 6??? She's hands down the best. No one else is in her league. Gives me chills every time.

Melinda is completely overrated. No personality.I am in much agreement. But I think there will be a Melinda backlash because she really sings the every week, and of course there have to be at least one "shocking elimination" per season. This isn't necessarily how I'd vote -- at this point I'd love to see Lakisha win... or Sanjaya, just so everyone's heads can explode -- but it's how I think America will vote. Also, so much depends on each weeks individual ( ... )


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