update on computer woe-age

Mar 23, 2007 22:34

Got the computer to start up again. I think I'm just gonna leave it on from now on, and hope for the best. I've been trying to do some creative accounting and I think between what I have saved up and what I'll get on my tax return, I should be able to buy a new one in about a month. And still have more than enough for Stockbridge YAY ( Read more... )

fucking technology

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Comments 12

lunachickk March 24 2007, 02:45:46 UTC
*waves back*

Yay, for a new computer!

How's your nose?


severina2001 March 24 2007, 02:52:24 UTC
yeah, I figure I'm just throwing money away if I keep getting this monster fixed.

Nose is...kind of how it was before. I go for the next set of x-rays on Monday. Bah.


ayesakara March 24 2007, 04:34:30 UTC
OMG what happened to your nose?? WHAT DID I MISS?????????????


severina2001 March 24 2007, 05:46:24 UTC
Nothing happened, it's the same nose thing from before (on antibiotics, taking x-rays, might need surgery... that whole shebang)


ayesakara March 24 2007, 04:33:07 UTC
OMG I miss you so much!

*squishes you*


severina2001 March 24 2007, 05:49:00 UTC
I miss you too! I haven't even read your latest chapter yet. :(

Hopefully we'll catch each other on IM sometime this weekend.


shadownyc March 24 2007, 11:22:25 UTC
I'm glad you'll be able to get a new computer soon. I find that when my computer was misbehaving, I became really stressed out!

Glad to see you back and definitely keep it on if you can! *waves back*


severina2001 March 25 2007, 04:05:40 UTC
OMG SO STRESSED OUT. And I figured out my taxes and I'm getting back nothin'. But damnit, I'm still buying a new computer. I neeeeeeeeeed my computer.


shadownyc March 25 2007, 12:51:04 UTC
You're getting nothing back??? OMG--that sucks!

Good luck getting a new computer, I hope you can find a good deal. *crosses fingers*


severina2001 March 25 2007, 17:32:02 UTC
Well, $150. That's practically nothing. :(

Thanks for the happy thoughts. Seems like just when I think "okay, I know what I need to ask for" somebody else comments and throws a wrench into the mix. I need a real life computer guru. ;)


mdlaw March 24 2007, 16:27:53 UTC
When you get ready to buy. Buy the best laptop that you can. They add so much freedom. Buy a couple of flash drives. You can find some really cheap ones online that work great and pull all your important information off the old computer. You can store them and use them when you need it and don't have to put it on you new computer if you don't want. I love my flash drives. m :)


severina2001 March 25 2007, 04:06:51 UTC
I checked out some laptops (see my most recent post) but I honestly understand even less about them than desktops. *sigh* So frustrating.


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