Feb 11, 2007 16:41


This is the pretty pretty holiday wishlist gift that I got from friday82, and I have just now had the guts to attempt to install. And it worked WHEEEE! I love how it matches my journal colours and is so so so pretty. Also? PRETTY.

Thank you again, friday82In other news, I am totally not writing. Boo ( Read more... )

zombies, music: bucky covington, livejournal, games: urban dead

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Comments 40

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severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:37:14 UTC
I know! Creative and talented people ROCK.


tamalinn February 11 2007, 22:15:27 UTC


severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:37:39 UTC
Isn't it? I just want to lick it.


lastglances February 11 2007, 22:19:21 UTC
i love the header. it is very lovely, indeed! what layout are you using for your journal? if it's flexible squares, i know how to get the tags list to show up.


severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:39:00 UTC
I'm pretty sure it's flexible squares. Any help would be appreciated. :)

Love your icon!


lastglances February 11 2007, 22:44:05 UTC
okay, here are the instructions, i hope they aren't too difficult to follow:

you will able to turn the tag list on in the "edit journal style" menu. then go to "custom options" and then "sidebar." go the the 9th choice down and you just click yes to show your tag list and decide whether you want it to appear as a list or as a cloud.

thanks! i like my icon too!


severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:50:09 UTC
Woo hoo! Thank you!


blue_eyedstar February 11 2007, 22:20:37 UTC
Love the header hon! Btw, it's been bugging the shit outta me (among other things, lol), but you wouldn't happen to know what's written on the backside of Justin's shirt would you? I'm making out "servicing you ...", but that's about as far as I can get.


severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:39:57 UTC
errr... If memory serves, it was for a Milwaukee company? But I can't recall. Sorry. :(


flashfly February 11 2007, 22:26:05 UTC
The banner, she is beautiful. I like that Justin is 'taller' than Brian and I like his jeans. I too want to know what the shirt says.

Can anybody play Urban Dead? I've never done anything like this before, but it sounds super interesting and I do like zombies and rampages.


severina2001 February 11 2007, 22:43:42 UTC
Those pics from that episode are my fave pics EVER.

Yup, anyone can play. It's very simple.. it's just clicking on squares, you don't actually *see* your people. It's all text and squares. It takes a while to gain experience points to buy skills, so at first you tend to get killed a lot. ;) But once you've got some skills under your belt you can start doing some real damage.

On the main page of the Urban Dead site there's a link to the UD Wiki which also gives some helpful hints on surviving, and maps of the suburbs and stuff. I've been playing it since July -- all 4 of my characters are maxed out on experience points (ie, there are no skills left to buy) but I'm still enjoying it. I might let one of my humans become a zombie... Michael is usually more fun to play than the human characters. LOL


flashfly February 13 2007, 06:40:44 UTC

Expect no mercy from me if I ever encounter your slime-ass Michael in an alley.


severina2001 February 13 2007, 14:38:14 UTC
Michael thinks you're going to taste delicious. :p


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