
Aug 20, 2006 21:46

Thank you to everyone who offered advice and assistance (and hugs) over my computer problems. I haven't had a trojan warning today, so maybe I'm okay. Maybe. Ugh ( Read more... )

fucking technology, health

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Comments 12

thistle90 August 21 2006, 05:17:11 UTC
Gah! Well the medicine sure as hell isn't doing you any *good*. May as well stop it. I hope you start feeling better soon.



severina2001 August 21 2006, 11:57:30 UTC
Man, me too. I went on two new meds in an attempt to feel better and end up feeling much worse! At this point I'll be happy to get back to the pre-new-meds point. Grrr.


what have i missed!!??? dianaryan August 21 2006, 06:29:00 UTC

what happened??? email me later if you can and let me know what's going on with you... take care..

Diana = raye


Re: what have i missed!!??? severina2001 August 21 2006, 11:58:42 UTC
Yes yes, I remember Diana Ryan. The smut queen, she was. :p

Will try to email you tonight. I'm off to bed in a few minutes. :)


shadownyc August 21 2006, 10:29:01 UTC
This medication sounds horrible. I hate when medications make you feel worse than when you started. Isn't there something else out there that you can take?

Please take care of yourself! ***BIG HUGS***


severina2001 August 21 2006, 12:02:26 UTC
The Zyban is a stop-smoking aid, which I thought would help with general breathing problems (though my lungs are fine - as much as they can be fine for a smoker - and smoking isn't really affecting the breathing in that way.) That didn't work... unless being so sick you feel like passing out is how the Zyban stops you from smoking. ;P But I'm still sticking to my stop smoking goal date. Which is next Monday.

Anyway. I've ditched the super-expensive nasal spray too. Next week I'll call the doc and make an appointment to start over.

And I'll also try to stop sounding like a big whiny baby.



shadownyc August 21 2006, 12:13:40 UTC
You definitely do NOT sound whiny at all. You sound exhausted, disgusted and frustrated which is certainly understandable. I'm glad to hear that you'll be visiting your doctor again.


severina2001 August 21 2006, 20:49:58 UTC
*smooshes you*


damietta August 21 2006, 11:50:08 UTC
I couldn't help with the Trojans, but I can tell you that Zyban is a bitch. Tried to take it once and, just like you, it made me feel worse than the symptons I had!

Rest is proably the best advice (drink plenty of juice, too). I am thinking about you and sending good thoughts.



severina2001 August 21 2006, 12:04:14 UTC
I don't know how anyone can take that stuff!

I'm off to have a nice hot bath, then I'll lather up the Vicks and down some cough syrup. Hopefully I'll sleep like a baby. :)


meret August 21 2006, 16:46:13 UTC
I hope you and your computer feel better soon! *hugs*


severina2001 August 21 2006, 20:50:37 UTC
Thanks. :)


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