*bright eyed and bushy tailed*

Apr 19, 2006 22:10

I slept for 12.5 hours. YAY SLEEP!

Voting is now up at qaf_anon. YAY ayesakara!

faramir_boromir, I sent you email. YAY email!

Now I have to run to work. BOO work!

Bye! :)

comm: qaf_anon

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Comments 4

shadownyc April 20 2006, 03:07:15 UTC
I'm glad you got to get a good, long sleep. You deserve it. qaf_anon is amazing. I haven't read so much new fic in 24 hours in a LONG time.


severina2001 April 20 2006, 12:17:22 UTC
OMG the sleep was soooo amazing. Even though I turned off my alarm and slept right through the first half of The Amazing Race. I tuned in for the last half, right in time to be worried that The Hippies were going to be eliminated... and then YAY IT WAS A NON-ELIMINATION ROUND. I swear, if The Hippies had been eliminated right after Bucky, I might have shot someone.

Um yeah. Now I am hyper. Glad you're enjoying qaf_anon!


court1429 April 20 2006, 03:08:30 UTC
BOO work!

No. YAY work. Work = paycheck, i.e., YAY work! (just until you win the lottery. then tell work, "never mind" lol)

Thanks again for all you've done on Anon.


severina2001 April 20 2006, 12:18:17 UTC
This is true, and tonight work was actually YAY because I was all happy and rested and stuff. Never underestimate the power of a good sleep!

Glad you're enjoying all the ficcage!


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