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Comments 11

sick/american idol ewanmax March 12 2006, 15:03:51 UTC
Loved your commentary on all things. I've been sick in some form since like November, because my classroom is in an old historical building and the air conditioning never works and the mold is ever present, and the kids are always sick in some form or another and I won't call in sick because of the FCAT looming over their wonderfully intelligent but not necessarily by Florida's standards heads, so I drag through the week then feel half dead on Saturday, but saying that I'm getting used to it cuz they never stop making me laugh or love them and I still work out and walk on the beach because it's there and I must and I drive with the top down because I waited for half my life for a convertible bug, so I'm not wasting that even when it's freezing. So anyway ( ... )


Re: sick/american idol severina2001 March 12 2006, 17:05:58 UTC
the air conditioning never works and the mold is ever present

I think that's part of my problem too, coz we have these old ventilation shafts and they haven't been cleaned in YEARS, despite us asking management if they can have it done. Also, I sit by a window which has to be opened throughout the night so I can deal with drivers, so I get minimal heat from the crappy system, I'm sure lots of grime/dust/mold in that system, plus getting blasted with cold air at frequent intervals. Can't wait for summer!

For some reason I am totally in to Chris, Elliot and Taylor. YAY another AI fan! I really liked Chris the first two shows but now I think his voice always sounds the same. He's great at that alternative-type almost-shouting thing but I'm bored of him. I disliked Taylor intensely because of all his "whoooo"'s, but on the last show he stopped doing that and just sang and danced and I thought he was the best male that night. Elliot is okay (you're right, "Moody's" was a great song for him) but his voice is really shaky and I don't ( ... )


fiercediva March 12 2006, 16:14:42 UTC
If you'd like the 30-song one, shoot me an e-mail and I'd be happy to send you a freebie. It doesn't have "Oh Sherrie" on it, but you might like some of the rarities and lesser "hits."


severina2001 March 12 2006, 16:49:09 UTC

That is just SO awesome. Thank you! That is just so cool. I'm in awe of you over here. Really. Just SO nice. *giddy*


severina2001 March 12 2006, 16:51:12 UTC
Oh... your email is not on your user info. But mine is severina2001@hotmail.com if you'd like to get in touch with me.

*yup, still giddy*


fiercediva March 12 2006, 17:07:36 UTC
Sorry - I thought it was visible to ppl on my f-list (runs to check). Just sent you an e-mail from it though. :)


ayesakara March 12 2006, 17:46:07 UTC
and then it's suddenly Sunday

Hey, Sundays are good. For sleeping. And lazing off. And going to get your hair and nails and eyebrows done. :P

Ouch! about the head though. Hope you feels better. Hope you're putting that virtual soothing balm I sent you during the YM convo to good use. Um, I mean. Uh. Yeah, on the HEAD. You know. *clears throat*



severina2001 March 12 2006, 17:53:13 UTC
Sundays are also good for plotting fic. I mean, if you're YOU. *ahem*

My head still hurts. My sister laughed when I said I thought I might have a concussion. Conclusion: my sister is mean.


shadownyc March 12 2006, 20:13:50 UTC
Glad to "see" you. I hope your cold gets better soon. It seems that a lot of people on LJ and in my RL have this lingering cold/cough.

I'm trying to send a little telepathic message to your muse...
"Vacation is over, get back to work...vacation is over, get back to work." *winks*


severina2001 March 13 2006, 02:06:23 UTC
Ick, I've had it forever. And just when I think it's going away, I seem to get a new one. I am blaming this one on my nephew!

Telepathic messages have not worked yet, but feel free to keep trying! ;)


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