Help please?

Feb 03, 2006 18:11

How do I find out what kind of video card I have? I have no documentation from when I bought the computer. I've looked randomly through "My Computer" and have found files named "Nvidia Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers" (don't think that's it) and "Intel(R) 845G Chipset Graphics Drivers Software" (maybe ( Read more... )

fucking technology, games: the sims

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Comments 8

fiercediva February 3 2006, 23:51:17 UTC
Your display card is the Intel. It The list of requirements for running Sims 2 smoothly is on the Electronic Arts Sims site. You either need a minimum configuration with one of the recommended video cards or a fast PC without one of the recommended cards.


severina2001 February 4 2006, 01:20:08 UTC
That was kind of Greek, but I went to the link and discovered that my computer sucks. Like I didn't know that already. *sigh* Thanks for the help.


tamalinn February 4 2006, 00:49:41 UTC
This would have nothing to do with buying The Sims 2. But if it did, and one of those is the video card, would it be good enough to work with Sims? *whistles*


I don't remember anymore how I found out what kind of video card I had. I do remember, however, that part of it included calling Dell a few thousand times and freaking out over the phone, because not one person I spoke to actually knew English. But I didn't have the necessary video card, and I did wind up having to buy it through Dell (who originally sent me the wrong thing, and then I sent it back, and they sent me another, and it was defective, and I sent it back, and then they sent me a third, and tried to charge me for all three, and I was ready to kill them. I hope you don't have a Dell).


severina2001 February 4 2006, 01:24:39 UTC
I don't, I have a piece of crap HP. NEVER BUY HP.

No sims for me. This is so sad. I was really excited. :(


quinn222 February 4 2006, 01:16:51 UTC
Right click on My Computer, choose 'properties', then click on the hardware tab. Choose 'device manager'. Expand 'Display adapters'. What is listed there is it. That Nvidia driver may be a good thing. They make good adapters.


severina2001 February 4 2006, 01:26:00 UTC
Thanks Quinn... I don't see a "display adapters" thing, but I went to the website and found out my computer can't handle it. *sigh* Thanks for your help, though.


quinn222 February 4 2006, 01:31:43 UTC
well rats. Maybe you could upgrade your adapter?


severina2001 February 4 2006, 01:34:14 UTC
Maybe when I have more money. It's just not top priority right now... I'm saving for vacations. :)


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