As if you didn't need any more proof of my lack of life, I thought it'd be amusing to start my own "Slasher's Guide" to Life on Mars. With screencap proof I describe all the slashy scenes and moments. Have fun!
I apologize for how the caps come in varying sizes and quality, but that's because they come from different sources. My sources were
1973, almost dinnner time,
Planet of the Clangers, and some of my own.
Also, first time I'm trying to utilize LJ's scrapbook feature. It's taken me almost an hour to get to this point. I'm useless and confused
This is Sam. He's a Birtish cop in 2006. The person poking him in the head is his girlfriend Maya. But they're having relationship issues. Mostly probably because Sam is gay.
Fortunately Sam gets hit by car
and wakes up in 1973
There he meets Gene Hunt.
who immediately can't keep his hands off Sam.
So he shoves him up against a filing cabinet
and gets reeaal close...
and punches him in the stomach out of love. The other blokes think it's sweet.
This is with a girl for a "shippy" moment, but as you see, Sam still bottoms.
Entering into this scene, Gene makes his own conclusion and shows his expertise by noting that it was a "prostate probe and no jelly."
Later, Gene grabs Sam to go on their first date
at the Railway Arms where they make eyes at each other.
Next day, Gene catches Sam talking to one of those girl things again.
Gene has to remind him what love really is by punchimg him in the kidney.
Then gets reeaal close to whisper sweet threats nothings threats.
teamwork + touching = love
This is the point where Sam and Gene realize that their love allows them to read each other's minds. (poor Gene)
Only two people who are really in love can leap ridiculously over a desk in synch like that. s'all I'm saying, yo.
In the end Sam decides to reject Causality
to make Gene accept him to the team. And their love.
Series 1 Episode 2