Title: Bedside Manner
Fandom: Re-Animator/From Beyond (Bro'verse)
Pairings: Herbert/Dan
Rating: PG (language)
Word Count: 2520
Summary: Herbert gets a cold, Crawford plays nurse, and Dan gets a sinking feeling.
A/N: I accidentally a plot.
Bro'verse Master Post:
Save me from mothering boyfriends, brothers and brother's boyfriends. )
Comments 6
Bitchy Crawford was fantabulous! And poor Dan, he keeps getting caught between to irritated brunette twins. XD
Oooooohhhh PLOT! I can't wait to see where you go with this! :)
It was nice to see Crawford snap for a bit wasn't it? He can't be a woolly sheep 24/7, no matter how kawaii he actually is.
Yes, I can't wait to see where I go with it either... >.>
He and Hill would have gotten on like a house on fire.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some place to cackle madly where I won't disturb anyone.
Yeah well, unfortunately, if the Resonator's involved, so must Pretorius be. I'll just have to go shower after every line of dialogue I write for him...
"I'm hardly well enough for that."
Lol! At least this time Dan wasn't thinking with his dick :P. Love the story great stuff as always.
Always so pleased to hear that that everyone still likes these. XD
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