Spy Boys in Bondage, Vol. 1

Nov 19, 2008 00:12

With The Man from UNCLE finally on easily accessible DVD, I can at last fulfill my fannish dream of chronicling all the glorious moments of when spies and innocents alike (though mostly tiny spies) get chained, tied, manacled and generally trussed-up not only frequently, but in rather interesting ways.

Starting with Season 1, though, it doesn't happen quite as often as I remember, and the means not quite as interesting and varied as other seasons. All the same, we must start somewhere and work our way up, da?

massive screencappage. dial-ups beware!
101: "The Vulcan Affair"

Napoleon and his Innocent are handcuffed and left dangling from a pipe in a room that is quickly filling with steam. In breaking the pipe and thus freeing themselves, Napoleon also manages right away to participate in this series other favorite motif: getting wet.

102: "The Iowa Scuba Affair"

The traditional hands tied with ropes. Villains were stupid enough to even tie them in the front, and leaving sharp digging tools around to make escape all that easier. It's only episode 2. Give them a break.

104: "The Shark Affair"

A flogging! (in series 2 Illya will get his share of whippings, and Napoleon gets some more as well I believe). I am quite baffled by this make-shift means of restraint. um. Honestly, it is so much just to get a proper slate with some kind of ties on it?

105: "The Deadly Games Affair"

Nothing wrong with an old-fashioned gurney tie-down.

107: "The Giuoco Piano Affair"

Marian, Illya's almost-girlfriend is handcuffed to a bed. One of the more innocent handcuffings to a bed, as you will see in a second.

108: "The Double Affair"

First, Napoleon is chained to a wall.

Then bound both hands and feet, stomach down, to a bed. This is one of those times I am so happy real TV isn't like fic.

113: "The King of Knaves Affair"

Traditional rope-bound hands, at least in the back this time. Napoleon is forced to kneel before your god!.

114: "The Terbuf Affair"

Tied to posts before execution, though apparently not too well seeing how little miss is able to crumple in a heap.

Napoleon and this woman are very significantly handcuffed together by the end, and when Illya suggests they can cut the chains Napoleon says, "No rush, they're not holding anything together" (or something like that, can't be arsed to put the DVD back in now).

115: "The Deadly Decoy Affair"

Similar to the situation in episode one, but this time with a tree!

124: "The Hong Kong Shilling Affair"

Our Innocent (a male, which was not uncommon in season 1, but as the series progressed Innocents became more and more predominantly female, unattached, and not necessary to the plot), hung upside down in a fishing net! This season's most original from of bondage.

125: "The Never-Never Affair"

Tied to the chair, and hands handcuffed at the back, and yet Napoleon still managed to shoot our baddie! "Smart American."

126: "The Love Affair"

Kinky monks bound, gag, and take Napoleon for a car ride.

And a nice little three-way bondage.

127: "The Gazebo in the Maze Affair"

FINALLY Illya gets on some this action and gets himself manacled to a dungeon/torture chamber wall.

Napoleon soon joins him. yay!

Torture on the rack for added fun.
(Not pictured: Illya being threatened with a hot poker)

128: "The Girls of Nazarone Affair"

Handcuffed to a switched-on exercise bike. Very uncomfortable.

Tied to lounge chair cushions to be later shoved in a pool where they will slowly sink (allowing Illya enough time to jump in, get wet, and rescue them!)

Well, that's all from season 1. Already started on season 2. season 2 has all my favorite bondage moments. Oh well, except for "The Gurnius Affair" which is in season 4. Oh, and Illya being tied to a fork lift and being tortured by a sadist and later being led around by his belt tied around his neck. That's season 3. oooh, I tease you with what's to come.

screencaps, man from u.n.c.l.e., spy boys in bondage

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