Title: Love Interrupted
Rating: R
Word Count: 561
Notes: Contains specific Doctor/Master pairings of Theta/Koschei, Five/Ainley!Master, and Ten/Spoiler. Master pr0n as promised, or really again pseudo-pr0n. Went a bit experimental, not sure if it makes total sense.
Love Interrupted
It was a long night of studying hard, but he had been too distracted to concentrate on the texts. He would watch Koschei as he leant over the computer console. His collar was open, relieving some of the heat from the flames boiling vials of multi colored liquids. The barest hint of bare, smooth skin was revealed, and he could not take his eyes off it. He bit his lip and his fingers twitched. Part of him didn't understand, as it was with so many young men, and other parts understood all too well.
"Theta? Haven't you been taking down any of this?"
He couldn't resist temptation any longer. He reached out and stroked his fingers...
...down the Master's sweat-slicked chest, stopping a moment to tease a sensitive nipple. The Master gasped and shuddered, a vibration the Doctor felt from inside. The Doctor groaned at the sensation. Then louder as the Master shifted, bringing his full weight down on the Doctor's hips, connecting them fully. Both of them trying to find a way to reclaim a lost world and race in each other. The Doctor desperately tried not thinking about the young man named Harold Saxon who no longer existed. Who's athletic body the Doctor should never have touched. Harold Saxon probably had a wife and children. They too were probably dead, or at least cast aside never knowing why the good husband and father had changed so drastically and suddenly.
No, he could never let himself linger on those thoughts now. Instead he focused on the heat and the pleasure. He looked past the face and...
...searched the eyes for his old enemy and older friend. He had been so fond of Tremas, a kindred spirit: someone willing to forgo tradition and superstition in the name of science. He should have been disgusted by the perverse use of such a gentle and innocent man's body. He hated himself for finding the Master attractive in this form. One relief of Nyssa's decision to leave was that he no longer had to worry about not looking her in the eye for several days after these moments of indulgence and weakness. The Doctor fell back on the pillows, catching his breath, staring up at the man above him.
"When you look at me like that, I have to wonder what you're thinking, Doctor."
"I thought you already knew my thoughts."
The Master chuckled softly. "Oh, I do. But it's always more fun to hear you say them, forcing them in to reality."
The Doctor narrowed his eyes and refused to speak. He wasn't going to tell him he realized what was it about this body that fascinated him so. The piercing blue eyes, the pale skin, the rich and teasing voice: it was so like Koschei when they met...
Theta (as he was known be his schoolmates) didn't think much of his lab partner. He was fairly certain the other boy would only drag him down. He was much better working on his own, depending on his own brilliance. But he was soon pleased to find a mind equal to his own. They were always of one mind it seemed. That's how he knew Koschei's response to his touch would be to repay in kind. Their studying and experiment were forgotten as he took his friend's hand and the hurried back to his rooms.