SPN Fanfic Prompt Post

Jul 01, 2012 23:50

If you have any suggestions or ideas for fanfics, please post them here! My plot brain doesn't always work and I like hearing ideas. :D Also, if you'd like to see more of one fic, just let me know. I'm pretty flexible and might also be interested in expanding a verse, but might just need a little push. ;)

In terms of what I like to write, here we go:

Pairings:Dean/ Cas, Sam/ Gabriel, Sam/ Sarah (maybe??? IDK), Crowley/ Bobby -- not really but seriously they have a spark daaaamn grrl
Genres: I'm down for a lot of things save for real life AU, such as where they're not hunters. It's kind of boring for me. :>
Squicks: MPREG
Other crap: I don't even know, like what do I like? I am not sure. Oh god. I like writing dialogue. Action is cool too. Also, if someone wants to just beta stuff, message me because I am chill like a bottle of beer.

Seriously though just throw any ideas at me.

1. Sam and Dean are in Buffalo, New York when they hear about some shifty business going on in... Niagara Falls! They take a jaunt across the border and investigate someone who tried to illegally walk across the falls on a tightrope, but died in his attempt. Full of Tim Hortons, Canadianisms, very polite people, and regular joe's who seem to know more about US politics than the brothers do.
3. The Lucky One, but Destiel because omg fangirl squee. I think I am kind of kidding but I am not really sure. Help.
4. Dawn of the Dead-style zombie apocalypse, wherein one of the Winchesters uses the cover of having sold TV's at a Future Shop. Nurse Jackie picks up on this pretty quick.

And here are some ideas for you!
1. Dean and Sam get yanked into the meta-verse where some of the writers on the show have accidentally summoned some big bad. The only downside is that since magic doesn't really work and monsters aren't real in metaverse, everything goes completely haywire: from the accidental summoning of the big bad to the yanking of Dean and Sam from their world. Sam and Dean have to work with the idiots in the metaverse and Sam has to re-confront the giant print of himself with traumatizing consequences.

prompts, fandom: supernatural

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