
Nov 07, 2005 16:54

Hi. Before anyone points out I lied about updating more... HEY! LOOK OVER THERE! A GOAT PLAYING THE BANJO ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

illyanadmc November 7 2005, 22:34:33 UTC
glad to see you are still alive - are you still on the simpsons-L?


seventhe November 9 2005, 19:50:46 UTC
I unsubscribed a while ago, due to not being able to keep up with the posts. But I plan on rejoining soon. I miss everyone there.


illyanadmc November 9 2005, 22:50:50 UTC
i figured you weren't on there anymore, since i hadn't seen any posts from you for awhile. of course, i never post, and i am still on there, so i guess that doesn't mean anything.


seventhe November 11 2005, 02:10:28 UTC
Isn't there supposed to be something like 10,000 members? Even at the most postariffic times, there was only about two dozen active members.


poisonedgrace November 7 2005, 22:35:13 UTC
go look at my school attended.
and then click the link so it can be your school too :)


seventhe November 9 2005, 19:54:42 UTC
I just laughed this really Deliverance-esque laugh. ("Ah-hee-hee-hee!") But! I have done as you commanded. (Well, suggested.)


poisonedgrace November 9 2005, 20:36:06 UTC
now we're class mates! woot!


seventhe November 9 2005, 20:40:17 UTC

Stupidest question ever:
(I'm actually a little ashamed to ask)
Is/was Miskatonic a real university and HPL just made stuff up around it, or did he create it himself?

*smacks self in head with rubber boot*


twosheds November 11 2005, 22:48:21 UTC
*pokes seventhé* :D


seventhe November 14 2005, 02:00:46 UTC
*pokes you back with a spork*


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