
Dec 09, 2005 21:30

Look what I found stuffed down at the very bottom of a rucksack? It's a bit tattered and scorched, but it seems like the magical properties are all still intact ( Read more... )

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Comments 69

missgweasley December 10 2005, 02:36:21 UTC
What?! You can't just come waltzing back and take my shoe room! I have a system. Wednesday... I can't just move everything by Wednesday. There are processes! Possibly paperwork!

As for Dad and his broom. No. I don't care to elaborate. So there!


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 02:44:38 UTC
Waltzing? That would involve some sort of dancing, and as you well know, I do NOT dance.

What do you need to do besides pick up everything and simply move it. There's got to be a charm or something to do that sort of thing en masse.

Oh, ho, ho! Pouting are we? That's no way to act when your dear long-gone brother is finally returning to the bosom of his family, Gin.


missgweasley December 10 2005, 02:48:35 UTC
There's a organisational thing going on here. Shoes by season, colour, style, heel height... the list goes on! A simple charm would move them, yes, but mess up the system.


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 02:50:40 UTC
Sounds like a job for Percy and his anal-retentive organizational skills.


gingerandscotch December 10 2005, 02:42:06 UTC
Your father and I are looking forward to seeing you, Charlie. Is there anything special you'd like for supper on Wednesday?


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 02:47:50 UTC
Thanks Mum.

Anything is fine, really. You know I've never been picky at mealtimes.


gingerandscotch December 10 2005, 02:50:05 UTC
I know you haven't ever been picky, but I'd like to do something just for you. Oh we're so happy to have you home just before the holidays. I couldn't think of a better gift that you could give your father and I.


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 02:55:05 UTC
I'm glad to be coming home, Mum. Truly. Those winters in the Carpathians were getting harder and harder to tolerate...

How about a goose? Or turkey is fine, too.

I've gone off red meat to a degree.


redheadedbandit December 10 2005, 03:57:39 UTC
Uh... no?


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 04:04:58 UTC

What's wrong with you?!?


redheadedbandit December 10 2005, 19:44:31 UTC
I... I just.. I don't.. know!

I'm not good at that stuff Charlie!


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 23:56:59 UTC
That much is apparent. At this point it looks like even Percy's got you beat.

Look, there's some sort of weekly pub crawl put on by some of your yearmates that I'm included in next Wednesday evening. Why don't you tag along with me? Surely the rest of the blokes in the room would be no match against the prowess of a Weasley male...


truthforlife December 10 2005, 05:05:35 UTC
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mandy Brocklehurst. The assistant.

Good to see you home, Charlie. I know Ginny missed you terribly.

And to welcome you home, how would you like to join us in our weekly pub crawl? You could get pissed and try really hard not to splinch yourself Apparating home.


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 05:11:53 UTC
Hello Mandy Brocklehurst the assistant.

Thanks. I'm glad to be coming home. It's been too long.

Pub crawl? Hmmm... I think I could manage that, if you don't mind some craggy old ex-dragon handler in your midst, that is.

What day is this held?


creativelyevil December 12 2005, 20:51:51 UTC
Miss Brocklehurst, on Theodore Nott's behalf, I am informing you that I am tagging along on your little excursion.

Adrian Pucey's the name, magic's the game.


truthforlife December 10 2005, 05:15:19 UTC
You don't seem to be a craggy old ex-dragon handler. You seem nice and cute.

It's Wednesday, the same day you arrive. Do you think you'll be up to it?

I wouldn't want to put you out.


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 05:20:16 UTC
Heh. It's been a long time since anyone has called me 'cute.' But thank you for the compliment, Ms. Brocklehurst.

If it's much later in the day on Wednesday, I can.


truthforlife December 10 2005, 05:23:51 UTC
You're quite welcome. Sometimes I just say what I think without screening it first.

Yes, it's much later. We usually don't start the drunken debauchery until quite awhile after tea. Skipping last meal is usually favourable to having to see it again after drinking.

So we'll see you there?


derfeuerdrachen December 10 2005, 05:31:41 UTC
S'alright. No need to explain yourself. I've been living in the wilds for years, and believe me, social graces are few and far between at the range.

I'll be there. I'll just tag along with Ginny if she's going.


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