For the record, yes, I've been following everything that's been going on with the OTW recently, including the meltdown stemming from the AO3 changes the past few days. Yes, I have many opinions on the matter, some of them fairly strong. And, no, I'm not planning on going into them in this post or any future posts
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Comments 22
It's a long shot, but you should probably apply for this job. I don't specifically know anyone in the accreditation office, but if you make it to an interview, you can mention you have a friend in the web services office. Can't hurt!
APA is a good place to work, in my experience, and the Education Directorate has somewhat fewer turkeys than some of the other areas. ::coughsPublicInterestcoughs::
Failing that, what we really need right now is for one of Avi's staff to finally leave. (Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.) I can't tell you how much he'd love to have someone working for him who can tell up from down and actually showed up to work every day. ::sigh:: And he'd train you in any damn thing you wanted if it meant he got reliable help. I mean, you can spell and everything!
His office *isn't* a great place to work but it would get you office experience and then you could move on.
Lots of hugs for you!
Granted, I don't have a login and just go there to browse new stories, so whatever it is probably doesn't affect me in the slightest. Call it a curiosity thing.
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