[FIC] Next Door, Next to You, CH4

May 05, 2010 22:56

Title: Next Door, Next to You
Pairing: QMi (MiXian)
Rating: R (Swearing, Sexual Situation, Mature Content)
Genre: AU, Romance, Comedy, Drama
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING. You probably know that already, don't cha?
Chapters:  1 - 2 - 3

Summary:  Stages of newly-found romance and reaching life-long dreams; falling in love and crumbling down -- a step-by-step experience in which Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi have never faced before.


Time: 7:13AM (Korea Time)

I think I just missed Kyuhyun.

I was about to deliver his usual breakfast but he’s

already gone. Oh well, I’ll take this to the

agency instead and eat it myself.

I hope he’ll come early at the cafe later!

Mood:  Awake


“Yo, kid! Wait up!”

It was sight for sore-eyes, watching Kangin clad with an over-grown shirt and Superman boxers running after him down stairs. If this were some way to waken his already sleepy-state because last night was deep-thinking-resulting-to-no-sleep-at-all night, this was working like hell.

And it was all thanks to a certain sunny Chinese model-to-be that kept him all night. And he had school today too. Damn it.

“Uh, hyung?” Kyuhyun managed gawkily then suppressing to chortle, seeing the big man heaving for breaths and then composing himself. How could not Kyuhyun take Kangin seriously like this when he was wearing that?

“Sorry to bother you like this, kiddo, but could you relay this message to your door-mate? Zhou Mi’s renting due is only until this week and Dad’s saying something about paying up. You know those, right?”

Ah, apartment fees. He also had one of those, but with due-exceptions because Kangin was actually this nice of a landlord’s son - a little brawny but very understanding after listening to his little support predicament. Kangin knew Kyuhyun was the only one holding up himself after that home-run away years ago.

“Yeah, I do. I’ll tell him when I see him.” That was, if Kyuhyun would actually show up before Zhou Mi who was giving him this tingling feeling. Times like this - times of uncertainty - it was better to stay away from the source for the mean time until it’d die out. Like today, he was going up extra early for school so that Zhou Mi wouldn’t catch him and give him the usual doggie bag, beaming at him with that usual smile of his.

“Thanks, man. And, oh! I forgot your letter back at my room! There’s actually a letter for you but I didn’t catch the sender. I’ll give to you later, yeah?”

“Uh, sure.”

It was those newsletters he was getting randomly from various senders he didn’t know, Kyuhyun thought before bowing to the already waving Kangin. He’d check on those, putting it on the least priority tab.

After all, it was time to leave and if he’d linger more, he’d be trapped and it’d be back to feeling weird sensations again. If he’d see Zhou Mi again, first thing in the morning, he didn’t know what he’d do.

Now this was something new, he mused as he trudged down the road with sun-rays greeting him. Me avoiding him?  Because as long as Kyuhyun remembered the only persons he avoided were his parents. For a good reason, that was.

But to Zhoumi? It was rather irrational and unexplainable?

Nah. He was sure it wasn’t.


When he reached the cafe, it was already a little late than his supposed check-in time. And if Heechul caught him sneaking in and slipping on his apron, he’d be hearing sermons accompanied with colourful profanities. So instead he wedged his way to the backroom, gave Shindong who was at the kitchen the pleading look - please don’t tell! My school was being a total ass! - and crawled like ninja to his table when he overheard Heechul and Zhou Mi talking by the Employees Only door.

“Do you think I should go for it? It’s much nearer than my current place. And I’ll be with my fellow models too.”

Heechul simply admired his nails. “I dunno about you, boy, but I’d want to stay close where my workplace is. And besides, my workers would be sad if I go away. They’d be miserable without me, I tell you. A life without Kim Heechul is too much for anyone to take!”

“Oh. Okay.” - Then there was a considering pause - ”...but what about Kui Xia-

The bells at chimed gently outside - there were customers flowing in. Heechul raised a hand and then immediately went out, followed by a sighing Zhou Mi who dropped the conversation just like that and followed suit. He had a worrying look on his face but Kyuhyun was too caught up thinking something more than that.

Kyuhyun could not be mistaken that word with anything else - an all too familiar name that Zhou Mi was about to say. His name.

Was Zhou Mi moving? A place much close to his agency? Since when did Zhou Mi start considering this kind of situation?

His chest did weird flops and Kyuhyun had needed to lean on the table for stabilization. The feeling was odd and undeniably unpleasant and he wasn’t sure what the reason was. All he knew that Zhou Mi was making him feel weird things again and he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Just when he needed alone time, Donghae suddenly came prancing in from behind, greeting loudly like the noisy employee he was. “Yah, Kyuhyun! Would you like to meet my lover?” And then he was beaming like a happy puppy, proud and giddy.

Kyuhyun could only look at him bizarrely. Where did this come from? And of all times with him debating himself inwardly with a certain model! “What?”

“Please? Please? Please? Tomorrow? Let’s go to his work place! You promise, right? You do? YAY! You’re the best!”

Then Donghae was gone just like that - quickly as he entered and left - and more vibrantly entertained customers who were sending him odd looks already. “Welcome, welcome, welcome!”

Kyuhyun just stood stupidly there lost with all the shenanigans happening and missed that Heechul came back right inside, noticed him there and roared like a deranged man. “CHO KYUHYUN! YOU ARE LATE!”

There was amused chuckling in the air, probably Shindong’s.


“H-hey, wait up! Kui Xian, don’t leave meeeeee!”

It wasn’t as if completely on purpose, more like half of it. Kyuhyun simply decided to go a few steps ahead of Zhou Mi as they walked back their building again. If anyone would stop and look at them closely, it was as if they were out-running each other minus the fact that they weren’t at all. Kyuhyun was just... brisk walking and Zhou Mi was just being the awful snail in the semi-race.

“Are you in a hurry? We’ve been like, running, since we got out of the cafe and-why do you look so scared? Are you alright?”

Scared? Who said he was scared? Kyuhyun knew he was just having those uncertainty moments, definitely not scared and Zhou Mi was probably imagining things with him. It was pretty cold outside so maybe the weather was going up on his head. Yeah, that could be it.

“Uh, I’m fine. And Kangin-hyung wanted me to tell you that he told me about your apartment dues this week.”

Crap, a dangerous zone Kyuhyun had totally forgotten back at the cafe. And with the way how Zhou Mi suddenly took his arm to make him stop, Kyuhyun regretted bringing that up and made sure to just fix his eyes at the interesting rock on his feet.

“I wanted to tell you something, about the apartment thing. Look at me, Kui Xian.” His grip tightened but not too harshly, enough to secure. “I wanted to ask if it’d be okay with you if I move to another place.”

Why was he asking him that? Did he need permission? What was Kyuhyun to him, his mom?

“But then, actually, I don’t want to, really. The rent’s still the same, but it’d be much closer to the agency and everyone there wants me to move but...”

“Choose whatever you want.” Was his abrupt reply, eyes fixed with Zhou Mi and took all strength to restrain himself for biting his lower lip or cracking his voice. What was wrong with him? “Whatever makes you comfortable. Just choose what makes you happier, that’s it.”

Zhou Mi had a contemplative look before easing a straight face. “I’m comfortable where you are, Kui Xian.” And then he paused. “I’m happier right now too.”

“Oh?” Oh. Was that all he could say? How dumb-sounded could he get?

“Well, I guess I just answered my own question, huh?” The nervousness dissipated with Zhou Mi’s laughs, tugging the speechless Kyuhyun by the hand next towards the stairs, their floor, running gleefully with Kyuhyun at tow. “Now, come on! I wasn’t able to give your breakfast so I’m making dinner! What do you want for dinner, Kui Xian? No instant noodles, okay?”

Overwhelming. Zhou Mi was overwhelming to him, doing anything as he pleased without reservation. And if he said they’d eat, they’d eat. When Zhou Mi held him, he made sure to hold him tight. What exactly was he doing to him?

And then they were hand-in-hand? How could Zhou Mi even run with that black leather shoes on anyway? Must be a model thing. His smile was another model thing too.

“Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun is that you?”

It came all too surprisingly and unexpectedly when Kyuhyun saw two familiar figures standing at his doorway. Cold-sweat was suddenly on his skin and it became hard to breathe. Immediately, Kyuhyun took away his hand off Zhou Mi’s, a little too forceful than unnecessarily and choked.

“W-what are you doing here...?”

He knew he was trembling but Zhou Mi was close to him, like an obedient dog, clueless but loyal all the same.  He knew Zhou Mi wanted to hold his hand again with the way his palm brushed his wrist but he didn’t touch him again.

“Is that any way to talk to your mom, huh, son?”

They were not supposed to be here, that was all that ran inside Kyuhyun’s mind. Mrs. Cho and Mr. Cho were not supposed to be standing there where Kyuhyun’s castle was, where Zhou Mi was close to him.


“I see you got, uhh, into nature, baby.” Mrs. Cho remarked over a small flower-pot by the window. She then averted her gaze to the birthday-gift laptop they gave years ago and the kitchenette. “A little small but I guess you like this place better than home, don’t you?”

Kyuhyun hadn’t spoken and instead just served tea and sat across them at the table. He didn’t know what to do and Zhou Mi had yet to come back with food at hand - the Chinese insisted making something for the guests and the dinner plan was on-hold now. This was more important than a stupid dinner.

No, it wasn’t stupid. Kyuhyun had to take that back.

“So how’s Computer studying, kid? Your old pops know you’re doing great even if you don’t say anything.  You’ve always been a good kid.” Mr. Cho tried in a lighter tone. “Any girl you want to introduce?”

“What...? No.”

Mrs. Cho suddenly brightened. “Really? That’s good then! Mr. Kim, you know him right? The owner of the little clinic down the street? Yeah, that’s him. Well, they have a daughter roughly the same age as yours! You haven’t met her but she’s a real darling!”

“And the Cho family is in good ties with the Kim’s. How about we-

Kyuhyun knew where this was going and he had enough of it. Even before he’d hear it completely, he already felt sickened. “Mom, Dad. Stop this. I don’t want this and you guys never stopped trying to control everything! First my studies and now my marriage!?”

“But, baby, this is for you own good! Medical background is very important! Don’t you know how hard it is to get work without a degree?” Mrs. Cho reasoned.  “And besides, you’re not in love with anyone right now, right?”

“That’s not the point, mom! It’s not at all! And, on the contrary, I am! I already like someone so you can’t just marry me off to someone!” Kyuhyun couldn’t zip it nor could hold it; the way his chest  was constricting or his tone rising and the only thing he could think of was stopping this moronic conversation and find Zhou Mi and eat his dinner.

There was knocking at the door and Zhou Mi’s head popped out when he opened it gently. “Can I come in, Kui Xian? Food’s here-is everything alright?” He then worriedly looked over the angry Kyuhyun and the surprised Mrs. Cho and Mr. Cho.

There was an uncomfortable pause. “Now is a bad time, isn’t it? We’ll leave then. See you, son. Do take care, alright?”

Before the two knew it, the couple had left and the food that was brought in was completely untouched, cold. Zhou Mi just stood next to Kyuhyun, quietly watching the younger pulling his hair with unsettling feeling by the door.

“They go here just to tell me they want me to date someone? When are they going to realize that I’m old enough to know what’s good for me. I know what I want! And I know what I need! Years of living alone and they still see me as this-this kid!? If they think I’ll be changing minds then they’ve got another thing comi-

Then Kyuhyun’s eyes saw this awfully stuffed mail at the mail slot and that ceased him for a moment of ranting. He stared at it and just shook his head. A white envelope and it was probably Kangin’s attempt of leaving the letter when he was out instead of waiting for Kyuhyun to arrive home.

“What does it say?” Zhou Mi quietly asked from behind and he just watched Kyuhyun fisting the paper and then throwing it away.

“My parents’ visit that I missed to take note of. Fuck this. I hate this and I don’t want to hear another bullshit.”

Kyuhyun was exhausted, really exhausted and his mind had a lot of things in it that upset him. He just wanted to lay down, to rest and to forget he ever heard about the Kim’s and their darling daughter who he didn’t give a shit. He was perfectly fine where he was and he didn’t need anyone or some high-status name to help him somewhere.

“Kui Xian...”

A strange warmth caught him and everything that clouded his mind just disappeared like empty air when Zhou Mi took him in arms and held him tight. His back pressed to another chest and Kyuhyun could feel his heart beat in-synced with Zhou Mi’s. The tighter the hug got the more Kyuhyun felt he was at the brink of breaking down.

“I’m so sick of feeling like I can’t be the kind of person I want to be.”

Zhou Mi was breaking his bone but Kyuhyun didn’t care and just let his head lean back, lean on another shoulder that Zhou Mi’s face snuggled to his neck and was close to his face too. Kyuhyun stared for a moment, taking in every detail of Zhou Mi’s face - to his clear sharp eyes, straight nose and thin lips. The way Zhou Mi cradled him, the way they fitted for a first embrace and the way he felt hot hair on his skin were enough for Kyuhyun to lean in the touch.

He was just too tired to think, to register anything comprehensibly that all he could remember was this foreign sensation on his mouth and Zhou Mi’s soothing whisper on his ear, “Let’s get you to bed. You must be really drained.”


Time: 1:47AM (Korea Time)

I can’t believe I did that.

Mood:  Restless


A/N: Gah. Don't you just hate that when you're typing this really long A/N thing and all of sudden you pressed backspace and then your page disappears with all of your text-- well, anyway, enough of that. I' m not even sure what the hell happened here. I feel like I totally blacked out and then realized I already finished this. As much I'm happy with ZM and KH progression, I'm wary wit the progression of the plot itself. It maybe too lame or too-something IDK.

Please tell me you liked it and I'll be all puddly and gooey and horraying because someone DID like this update! *LAME LAME LAME* And, oh, I'm dedicating this update for you, charunde, for being the awesome mod of gentlemimiaday! And to everyone who reviewed and showered me love from the last installment! Thank you!

YOU MAY NOW SHOWER ME WITH CAKES. *conceited little donkey*

(and, oh yeah, I've been working on a QMi fanart hoping that I'd get it posted by the end of the week! BAH!)

pairing: qmi, super junior, genre: yaoi/smut, subject: zhou mi, type: multi-chapter, pairing: hanchul, genre: drama, !fanfic, subject: kyuhyun, genre: shonen-ai/slash/bl/bromance, rating: nc-17/r, genre: humor/comedy, author: setsuna_k, genre: romance

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